A house of boys

Living in a house of boys.

Literally. Some days, it's a save me, call out.
Other days, it's a rescue call. Yes. there is a difference.

But then there are those days, I'm grateful there are no other women, and I'm sure the boys are too.
Because, they all know, they couldn't handle more than me. Take it back to when Destiny lived at home, I think they too would take things the way they are now, than before.

So there are books on being pregnant, there are books on newborns, there are books on toddlers.
But you know why there aren't many on teenagers? Because you throw the damn book OUT!

There is no more real and raw than this photo here. Licensed, permit, and 11yrs old. 
And this is what the world wants to see.... "highlight Reel"

Every teen is different. And there is a new book every day written for each one. For real.

The house of boys goes like this.
Dylan is 16, close to 17.
Seth is 15, close to 16.
Kaden who just turned 11 is close to thinking he's 20. And then that leaves,
Kody. Kody is 20 almost 21. He lives with us for the time being, therefore I have 4 boys now.
Let's not forget I'm married to a boy too- who can act the age of 17 just as much as the actual almost 17 year old.  And the of course, there's Max. The 4 legged fur baby of the house, whom most days I'd just assume he be the only one. He never talks back, he eats cheap food that last for a month, drinks water, pees and poops outside, did I mention he never talks back?

This isn't oh woe is me either. I love my boys. As a matter of fact, there are times I stand up for them before I find out the entire facts. (This is a lesson I still learn as we go... because young boys, don't throw themselves under the bus) You know what else is great, they brings girls home. And for the most part, I've liked most of them. And that's a downside too, attachment.
So one day, I'll have daughter (in-laws).

The one time I was inducted into their "squad" --Proud mom moment.

I have to follow God. That's how I get through these teenage years with these boys. I think that's why there isn't a book. Because if you don't have faith- you don't have a chance.

"If you don't have faith, 
          you don't have a chance."

Two of them are driving, and the only thing that powers me through that is, prayer.

All I can do is, every day give it up to Him. I raise these boys to the best of my capable hands. And for about 90% of the time, they are such good young men. They have manners, they think of others, and they love Jesus.
Now, they probably don't know I am aware of any of that, other than knowing they love Jesus.
But when other parents tell me how well mannered and polite they are, we know as parents, we're doing something right.

A house of boys- they have their mommas
back at the drop of a hat.

And any boy that's good to their mom, will be an amazing man one day.

I know, because I married one.


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