
In 2016 I made the commitment to be committed. That if I was invited and I said I would go, then I would go. And for the most part, I stuck to it, pretty well. I also discovered the word "maybe" which was my go around... to making sure I was giving my best yes to something.

I'm an introvert by nature. Actually, I call myself an “Outgoing introvert”. And when 2016 began I created a resolution if you will, that I would truly commit.
As I said, I stuck to it pretty well. If the circumstances arose that I couldn't for emergency purposes... that was different. But I was notorious for saying I would, and then backing out.

Back up to just before making that resolution to myself... at the end of 2015, Daniel and I prayed for a word that would carry us through the new year- for all of 2016. Something we would stand on and push through. This was new for us. But so was our commitment in listening to one of our favorite preachers, who did this tradition with his congregation. Our word for 2016 was Trust.
We were absolutely tested to this, throughout the entire year. We fully trusted that His plan was so much greater than anything we faced.

As we close out 2016, we've prayed together (separately) for our 2017 word. Amazing as God is, when we discussed it together, we had come up with two different words, that mean the exact same thing. It's like a moment where you look up and say 'ok Lord, we hear ya..'
We are so grateful for everything in 2016. We had several "downs", but several "ups" too. And we'd take every 'down', and look for the 'up'. And for everything, we found the good in it. Here's our 2016 timeline. In a small nutshell of 2,517 letters.

_______________2016 Timeline_________________

  • New Years eve 2015/16', we rang in the new year with one of my best friends.
  • Kaden went to regional with his science fair project.
  • Daniel and I celebrated 6 years of marriage.
  • After having attended our church for 8 years, we decided to attend a few new ones, and later after prayer and soul searching we chose Life Church. Where your kids are happy, you stay.
  • My in-laws celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary, and the immediate family we were all there to celebrate together in Texas.
  • I went back to work.
  • We had a beautiful Easter weekend.
  • I stuck to an exercise routine.
  • Daniel's chosen brother (best friend), his mom was chosen to be one of God's angels. Lacy Brannon who watches over us now.
  • Seth's 16th birthday celebration at his Papa's house, where he was gifted a car from his Papa and his wife Wendy.
  • We now have 2 teenage boy drivers in our home.
  • Word traveled that my grandmother was very ill. And we headed west on I-40.
  • While on the journey back to my home town, we learned Heaven had gained a new angel and my grandmother left earth, before we made it home.
  • Daniel, Seth, Kaden and I while on the trek to my home, decided to stop at the Grand Canyon. A trip that maybe not taken otherwise, the boys witnessed God's beauty and we saw the south rim of the Grand Canyon.
  • I saw family I hadn't seen in years, while we were in California. As well as some of my childhood best of friends.
  • The boys started their junior year of high school, while our youngest boy started his last year of elementary school.
  • My best friend announced she and her husband are going to have a baby.
  • I passed my property and casualty insurance license exam, on my 4th time to test.
  • I had a trip to the ER, with a hefty price tag for an MRI, to show herniated disks in my lower back. I would be down from exercise for 5-6 weeks.
  • Daniel and I started our Life Group. It's designed for Blended Families.
  • A short time later after prayer, we accepted the opportunity to be community leaders within our church.
  • We became grandparents to a beautiful boy named Ryder Scott.
  • Dylan received his first speeding ticket.
  • Daniel and I took on the role God asked us to, and are serving in guest services in our church.
  • Daniel's mom entered the hospital, and left by entering Heaven.
  • I was not released for exercise, to learn there are 3 herniated disks, now.
  • We celebrated our first holiday's without Daniel's mom here. Without Jay's mom here, and without my grandmother.
  • Dylan received his 2nd speeding ticket.
  • Our youngest son turned 12.

With 2017 here, we have new goals. We have new adventures. We have new plans. Even with that, comes turns and twists, we won't see coming. Knowing this, we're grateful to know that His plans are far greater than ours. That's why it's so important to see the good in everything. I've always viewed my glass half full. Because I'm never empty when I let God go first.

-Still I Rise.


From our family, to yours. Thank you for reading, for sharing and being apart of our lives.


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