
Showing posts from 2017


Every year as it comes to a close I sit and reflect on the previous 365 days. No, not to stew on what was... but to recap what has happened, things that were amazing, things that were average, things that could have been better, things that were just total crap and things that I can learn from.  In 2015 I began my year with a word that would carry us into the new year. It's holds me to a higher standard as I go throughout my year. It carries me through my walk with Christ. It carries me through my leadership with others.  2015 .... Hope 2016 .... Trust 2017 .... Obedience 2018 ..... I'm nervous, and excited where this will take me. Because I know I haven't picked up my kindle near as much as I should have in 2017. To continue to develop as a leader. But I'm sure that isn't all that is in store for that word. Because in the past years, those words, were never just those words. So as I lean in, I cannot wait to grow, and see where He takes me as 20...

Social Media and Happiness

We live in a world of social media. In a world where we would rather shoot a text out, than call, even sitting outside to say 'here'. In a world where our President tweets. I don't know if I would call it a 'simpler' time when home phones still had a cord, and children knew to be in, when the street lights came on. Or, nowadays, where you can text to say 'come home' and our phones go mobile with us. So excuse me while I rattle off my thoughts to you & post to my social media... about social media. {Ironic} We live in a time where you can 'unfollow' yet still keep someone as a 'friend'. So you don't hurt anyone's feelings. Where, when someone likes a post on your social media platform it gives you a dose of dopamine.  What? True. Yes. You smile, and then you check back often to see if others have liked your post. This can get dangerous. Because the likes on social media and happiness have nothing to do with one another. ...


Everyone has a political agenda. Yes, everyone. We all believe in something. Whether it's the 'right' to kneel. Whether it's the right to vote. Or the right to live where we want to live. It's all the same thing, what we believe. What a misconception of the real belief at hand though. You have freedom. Seriously, freedom. You made the choice to create a new stance 'kneeling' on the football field. And in other countries, you don't have that choice. But here, you have the freedom to vote, to live where you want to live.. you have freedom to drive down the street without wondering if it's safe. Do you know why you have freedom? Do you know why you have the ability to have beliefs that can be televised? The men and women who fought for this soil! The very thing you kneel for, someone STOOD for. I never write about politics. And I may learn my lesson this first time. But it's so aggravating to see my absolute favorite sport, and watch t...

No one prepares you

I knew this year was coming. I've known it since you were born.  However, there is nothing that actually prepares you, for what it'll actually feel like. I cry as I write this son, because you came into my life, at a difficult time. I know that sounds crazy. Pregnancy is a joyful time, but at 16 years old living in poverty, you became my light. It was me and you son, it'll always be me and you.  I'll take third one day soon, there will be a wife one day, and that's okay... As long as your number one never changes, I'm fine with that. Just know, that you are my champion. You are my hero. You are the light in a dark world.  I will cherish this time, each and every moment I have with you at home. And when I don't get to hug and kiss you good night every night, I'll still worry, but I'll know God takes care of his children, which will get me through. As we're coming into the last, first 9 weeks of your high school ye...

8 excuses

A year ago I weighed less. A year ago I was training for my first half marathon. A year ago I was eating well, and strict with my nutrition. A year ago, I put on muscle. And the number on the scale wasn't as low as the year prior, but it didn't reflect in my jean size. A year ago, was a year ago. And a lot changes in a year. Several injections later. Several doctor visits. A couple trips to the ER. Burning nerves off in 2 sections. Back injury/pain/whatever you want to call what happened, it was a tough season. But it was just that, a season. It's over, but it's not. Because the stretching I do every day before proceeding through my day. The stretching I do before a walk at the gym. The stretching I do before bed every night. It's a routine now. This is week 2 that just began back in the gym. I'm so grateful. I'm grateful for the ability to walk. To stretch, to move my joints. I take for granted so much of the time, all the blessings that are wi...

Take me camping.

Lately, I have really let you down in my writing. I haven't made time for it. Honestly. There is time. I could write instead of watch a show, but sometimes it's nice to decompress with mindless activity. However... I've had the worst heartache over lack of verbal conversation that's going on, everywhere. The other day I "spoke" a 'deep' conversation with my son through a text message. Granted, he wasn't home, but it really should have waited, and I should have made him talk to me about this, and not hide behind a screen. This is what we do now, though. I've been pondering this for several months, and then, God knew I wasn't making time to write, he led me to someone else's blog. I couldn't have written this any better. From Brie. I look around today and I wonder if we wouldn’t be better taking a step back in time where we could focus more on important matters, and less on trivial ones. I see the things around me tha...

Listen, in 34.

Wrapping up to another year-older. I don't necessarily struggle with my age. As matter of fact, the older I'm getting the more I cherish the moments during each year. It's so fun to go back through photos and see what is close to my heart. Those are the moments we capture. Maybe we post them.. maybe they are only for us. You've seen some of these photos, and that's okay. These were all taken during the year of '33'. Photos you might not see, is pain. Someone missing from a photo, the sleepless nights from chronic back pain. Tears from strained relationships that we know only God can repair. Milestones. Two people very dear to our hearts left us for Heaven. I finally passed the insurance exam and became licensed. I started training for a marathon and on my first 5K, I injured my back terribly and have been out of the 'game' since. A couple rounds of injections, & my followup appointment will kick off my next year. Daniel...

BBQ season-*Life Hacks*

The days are long and the weather is beautiful!   Call your friends and family and have a BBQ.  Everyone can bring a dish to share. Let’s celebrate with a feast on the deck.  Sound about right?  Summer is a wonderful time of year but it can be hard to stay on plan with all the tempting foods at a backyard BBQ.  However, it’s not impossible.  Here are 10 tips you can use to keep your bikini body and enjoy all the summer BBQ’s. BRING A DISH  that fits into your plan.  You can bring salad, a vegetable platter, fruit or a healthy side dish.  Now you know you have at least one item that falls into your healthy lifestyle.  You can usually find pre-made veggie platters or fruit platters at your local super market.  Replace the high fat dressing and sugary dips that come with them with a container of hummus or low fat greek yogurt.   SEEK OUT PROTEIN  as a way to help from picking all day.  Protein will ...