How do we embrace it? Asking for a friend.

Can we talk about getting older?

Is that too cliche'?

How about... can we talk about how things change as we get older? There... lets go down that rabbit hole.

What better way to close out another year of age, than to finally share a blog with y'all?

I literally just got my hair done, 2 weeks ago. Then, one week ago I saw how awesome I was because I had glitter in my hair once again... yeah. "glitter". I mean, com'on! Those grey's man... can I get any amens?? no.. just me. Liars.

It took me almost 35 years to find out that when your skin tans, it is actually the skins way of protecting itself against the sun. Seriously.
So... there is no protection around my eyes anymore. It's like my skin gave the international sign to the sun. Therefore, I have these awesome 'freckles' that stop just before the lack of sleep circles begin. (Dark circles for all you gems that don't have them)
Don't worry, I have heard there is an awesome skincare line for this. I promise, I see you!

Let's talk hormones. Whoa... yea, that one!
The big momma that affects it all. Your weight, your attitude, your hair falling out-or not growing, your weight. Oh wait, I said that one already huh? Yes, I know there are awesome supplements for that too. I use them. It's the nutrition I struggle with.

I am going to sound like a broken record, but nearly 2 years ago, I found out I have 3 herniated disks. Running days were over, and I would undergo several back procedures before getting to today's date. The scale I refuse to get on, last read I had put on 30 or so pounds... psh. Whatever. YOLO!!! Right?? Ugh.
Balance. I know this. But when I was hurt and couldn't work out, I didn't care. And now, recovered and getting into what I can and can't do in the gym, watching my nutrition again, I also now realize I'm 2 years OLDER than before.
The older you get the harder it is folks. Hormones.

So where's the light in the post Misty? All I read is this, this and this- negativity much?

No, I'm not negative. I'm positive all this is happening. I'm positive it's an everyday conversation with myself to LOVE MYSELF. Love where I am in life. It's everyday I look at myself and think, man that cup cake was so good though. Or, laying out in the pool with a beverage with my sweet friend talking about life and secrets we don't share with the world was worth every spot I see on my body. Or when I realize, every piece of grey hair is the heart string stress of loving and raising my boys and fighting everyday for my marriage.

Up at 5am. Shower. Lotion. Dry hair. Pin hair back. Put cooling gel under my eyes. Curl hair. Remove cooling gel. Minimal makeup... but makeup nontheless. Get dressed. Caffeine. Time for breakfast? probably not... out the door.
And that's just the morning.

They say time flies so fast the older we get because we go through the routine of everyday.. get up, go to work, come home cook dinner, wind down some, go to bed and repeat the process all over again. And when you are a kid-or younger rather, you worry about how late  your parents will let you sleep in, or what kind of cereal you will eat the next morning.

How do we fight this 'getting older' stuff? You don't. The alternative is death. And unless it's time for you to meet our maker, we continue to get older.
So, why not embrace it?
Do you know how? I'm asking for a friend.

Here's to year 35.



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