2 things we want. Lose weight & Eat.

I've been thin- size 5/6 thin (never a 0... never a 2... it's called, booty and thighs, deal with it), I've been pregnant, 3 times, 2 babies. I've been over weight where type 1 diabetes was a threat.
And I've been healthy.

Healthy is were I sit now. I know I've blogged this before, but I know I have over weight readers who want to reach out, and don't.

Please don't hear me as bragging. Hear me as understanding. Because my inner fat girl is trapped. So I get you. I. Get. YOU!

When I was 15 was my 'thin' it's not even thin really. It's teenager, where you don't realize what's cool, what's lame. (you just think you know, you don't.. I promise, you really don't) Well, at least, that was me. I was never cool. I was never the 'in crowd'. And while it sucked in high school, I'm really good now. Nothing 5 years of therapy couldn't fix...

When I was 16 when was pregnant. I gained SEVENTY FIVE pounds with Seth Leroy. Yes...
And I've never been the same. My butt just expanded (ask anyone, I've always had a butt) as did my thighs, as did my chest. And I nursed for his whole first year of life, because not only was it good for him but it would help me trim back down. Not. (And at 16, cost affective)

I struggled from there with weight. Finally 2 years later I was back into a smaller size. Annnnnddd pregnant again. 3 months later, I lost the baby. After recovery, it was 1 year later I'd be pregnant with little Kaden Dwayne. I had been in my smallest size yet. Annnndd pregnant.
I focused on being a better eater with this one. I didn't gain but 45lbs with him, and felt really great. I was a high risk pregnancy and gave birth 3 weeks early.

From there, raising two boys. A stressed marriage, I was unhealthy and losing weight, but it was from not eating.
Naturally, once I was happy and healthy, the weight came back.

So I guess you could say I 'Yo-yo'd' with weight. All in all I wanted to eat whatever I wanted, and that made me happy. Speaking of happy, happy hour was awesome too. We all know what alcohol does for fat... nothing but expand it.

I never abused alcohol, but I believe I abused food. And not even binge eating, just, eating. Whatever, whenever.

Today I'm grateful to have found a solution to keeping a healthy lifestyle. All the while eating right and taking the right supplements.
You can eat as clean and healthy as you want, and yes, you can lose weight just by doing that, however that is why we have supplements and why they work. Because you need the nutrients that supplements can give you. That's why they are called supple-ments. They give you what even healthy eating can't. And it's a very important role in keeping the fat off.

I've come to learn that I can still eat the foods I used to, just in moderation.
The 3 C's of my lifeline back in the day. But I don't eat that everyday, or even every other day.
Doing exercises at home, eating healthy-clean, and being active of planning my day around water and food has really helped me design when to time the treats. I don't deprive myself. You lose that way.
Be smart. You know what's right. You know you shouldn't eat that entire box of donuts. So don't!

The struggle is real, and I totally get it. Some days, its a struggle to get out of bed for some of us. I get that too.
You just gotta get up, get dressed and do it anyway. (My friend Crystal really liked that in my last post, so I put it in again)

Here is my favorite new one though, and there's even a photo to go with it.
 If weight loss is your struggle, please let me help you!
I love love our AdvoCare 24 Day challenge for this reason. To help your body reach new levels!

Misty Rayne



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