Tired of starting over, stop giving up.

The. Struggle. Is. Real.

No, really, it is. 

I finally made my appearance back in the gym today- I know right? One day back and I'm inspired to write and tell you how fitness is key. Ha-ha.
I'm not going to do that- but I did get encouraged. #Endorphins

I told myself yesterday as I polished off the last few chocolate covered almonds, that today was the day. Just keepin' it real.
I haven't been too terrible with my diet. Aside from eating chicken quesadillas at 9:45 pm last Friday night, I haven't been too extreme. Besides the chocolate covered marsh mellow addiction.
Okay, so I might have been slightly out of control. Not completely though. Yes, I believe there's a difference.
So, let's be real here. Raise your hand if the next day is day 1 again?
Tomorrow, it'll be day 2. I refuse to start over, again. Seriously. I have got to get the steroid/junk food/couch loving/comfort food weight OFF. Here in the next year, I can't use my back issues as a crutch... because so much time will have past, it'll just be called "I'm too freakin' lazy!!!"
I might already be there.

Today, I got up. I took all my supplements, like I'm supposed to (as directed.) I went to the gym. Pause for dramatic affect.... because I actually did 30 MINUTES of cardio. *I.hate.cardio.* but I'm going to learn to 'love' it. Because, as my friend Rob would say... "if nothing changes, then nothing changes". I know- mind blowing.
But seriously.
I ate right today, I drank water as I should, and I'm not snacking on crap. WINNING!!

Tomorrow, Day 2. We can totally do this.
I think, I'll put my previous before and after picture as my screen saver on my phone, to remember how hard I worked before, and the fact that I CAN and WILL do it again. I have to.

I'm 35 and my knees hurt. I'm 35 and my feet hurt. I'm 35 and I don't sleep well. I'm 35 and things don't sit the way they used to. I am too young for all this mess. And if I know how to change it, why don't I? I have the ability to. I can walk, I can sit, I can move both arms, I can talk, I.can.breathe. So what is really my excuse? Nothing. I have no response for that- because there isn't one.

So, here's to a new me- Please, hold me accountable. 
No, really.



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