Inner Fat Girl or Guy. No discrimination.

We all live this life of a 'coin toss' so to speak... Food. Will I eat right today, or not?

Donuts... or eggs.
Pizza.... or chicken.
Hamburger.... or Turkey burger with whole wheat.

My personal weakness? Ice Cream & Chips. yes maybe at the same time... I LOVE ice cream & I love chips. Preferably Rocky Road & BBQ lays chips (in case you are looking for a birthday gift- and not baked chips... I want the real grease deal.)

Friends, I call this my inner fat girl. Which USED to be the outer appearance too. Now she's hidden.

It's a daily struggle isn't it? I know I'm not alone in this, so I felt the need to write to reach a larger audience.

Comments are made often about the way I eat, and how I exercise, and how I'm doing this or that, and that they cannot do what I do. And I felt a very strong conviction with this.
So I prayed.
And decided this is what I needed to share.

We all start somewhere with this coin toss of what to eat.

So, don't sit here and tell me that it's 'easier' to drive through Burger King. No, it's not. It's lazy.
Don't sit here and tell me that it's something only certain people can do. If so, than BE that 'certain person'.
Don't tell me, it's too expensive to eat healthy. Do you budget? Budget in BETTER foods to buy.
Because if you've ever done so, you will soon find out, you actually spend LESS eating better, because you aren't eating out anymore- instead you prepare your foods,  and you plan ahead.

We (as American society) plan ahead for our budgets. We plan ahead to have a vacation- even paying on it for a year.
We plan ahead to sell our home, or to move. We plan ahead for a camping trip, or a move within the company.
So tell me why you cannot plan ahead with your daily meals? Taking 1-2 hours out of your catching up on re-runs of FRIENDS, or your DVR'd programs, to cook your lunches and plan your dinners accordingly.

This post became more in your face than I originally planned. But as I started to think and really realize what I was feeling, the more upset I am that so many people think only certain people can be healthy, or fit.
It's a choice. A simple mind frame of "I will be better." "I will add value to my life", and "I will show my children better choices."
This isn't about skinny y'all. This is about healthy!

A friend of mine (Cody Bobay ----> here ) who is huge into fitness and health posted a photo with these two following scriptures, titled 'Wellness is a commandment'.

Do you know Mark 12:30-31 (NIV) says this
30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ 31 The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”

And John 14:15 (NIV) says this;
15 “If you love me, keep my commands."

So folks, with your mind body and spirit. Be healthy. With it you are so much greater!

You too can do this! It doesn't mean you can't have chips, just don't eat the whole bag... trust me, people have to take it from me. I get it! The struggle is very real!
We're normal. We're addicted to bad foods! BREAK THE CYCLE!

So what is holding you back now? Motivation? CHOICE.
It is, again- a DAILY decision to make the choice to GET up, GET dressed, and GET moving.
Have a No excuse mind frame and keep pushing.
We all have days, sure. I'd like to say those go away, but hello... I would eat a brownie RIGHT now if you put it within reach. That's weakness & I must fight it!

Friends, I could ramble on and on and on. But I won't. I will close with this.
How bad do you want it?
To lose weight. To get fit. To GET HEALTHY. How bad?
Don't just answer that question in your head, write it down and say it out loud.

"You're just one person-but you're just the person it takes"
 Be a Difference Maker.

With all love and respect,
Misty Rayne-

Stay tuned for the Inner Fat Girl part 2- building yourself up, from the INSIDE, out.


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