The Power of 3 = S.P.P

The power of 3 during adversity.
This will be a chapter in my book-so here's a sneak peek.
1) Smile- Through the pain of adversity and trial.
    a. (also known as number 1, this will all be 3's and 3's... disguised as letters too!)
smiling leaves fewer lines on your face as you age. Simple enough.
    b. Smiling leaves people wondering what you're up to.
    c. Smile, because past the trial and adversity, you're still beautiful. And this too, shall pass.
2) Positivity- Again, through the storm, yes. It's easier to say type than done. But having gone through all we have you HAVE to find a way.
    a. Surround yourself around positive influences.
    b. Read inspirational quotes.
    c. Go for a walk, clear your mind and listen to the sound of children laughing.
3) Pray.- Self Explanatory right? Not for everyone it isn't. There are people who don't have a prayer life, and they ARE believers! (I know because I was one.)
    a. Prayer time will help teach you quiet time.
    b. Prayer time will help teach you to listen.
    c. Power of prayer will change the way you view your trial and future trials.
One thing we can be sure about trials and adversity, we WILL face them. it's how you handle yourself through them that makes you Greater than before.
The past few weeks have been trial and adversity for us. Unless you are one of the few we leaned on--you would never have known that from the moment we landed in Dallas from our amazing Cabo earned trip - that we'd face this current trial mountain. Having to do with our boys, it hits very close to home. Most know it hasn't been too long ago since we came out of a double court custody battle.
I swore I'd never go back to court. God knew differently.
The Monday after we returned He knew I'd be calling in all favors and resources for help knowing I couldn't hire another attorney. And the next day I would be representing myself for an Emergency custody of my two boys. It was granted. (I felt like super mom, an attorney and legal assistant all in one, but it wasn't without the help from friends that made this happen. I'm forever grateful)
     The Monday 2 weeks later (this current week we're in) I would be granted full custody with their dad having supervised visitation with no over night stays.
Do you know that a year and a half ago I would have seen that as a "win" for what we were facing at that time? I didn't smile then. I DID surround myself with positive people, and I LEARNED then the 3rd thing, which is the post powerful of all. Prayer.
I was never really fighting for full custody even then. I grew up without a dad. And my boys get two! But sometimes adults make bad choices.
I have too. I'm no where near perfect. But when your wife gets your son arrested, its time to take a long. hard. look at life as you know it. Yes- that's another story. And if you are reading this, you can pick up the phone and call me, I'd be happy to share the story.
That is why I chose to write this. It isn't a secret, it's actually public record. So why not help you get your facts straight? This is real life. And y'all, we all go through the thickness sometimes. But you know how I see it all?
Prayer time with a smile on my face.
I thanked God for the exposure of the "mess" so I now can protect my boys while their dad has the option to get help. Before one or both of my boys could have been put in any more harms way.
I thank God because now people know & see I truly did change my life and my boys have structure, rules, and discipline.
God is good. Smile. Positivity & Prayer- the power of 3 will get you through your battle, whatever you may be or going to be, facing.
Misty Rayne


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