Up & Coming

I feel a fast coming on. I feel God pressing on my heart, and it's getting heavier and heavier. Almost to the feeling of pressure. Good pressure though. Have you ever had that feeling? I'm even trying to read, and I can't wrap into the book, and I know the book will be amazing. Yet all I can do is stare at this cursor. I feel that the world needs to hear our story. I feel that women need to know they aren't alone. That young pregnant teens need to know, it WILL be okay. I feel like people with addictions need to hear HOPE. I never took a course in speaking, I didn't even go to college. But I know I have something to say, and I know it's impacting. How do I do it? Do you know that just 2 years ago, there is NO WAY I'd see myself standing in front of 3 people, let alone 100? Or 10,000? How do I justify knowing I feel a calling to do it? Is it because I'm a "Wow" person as Jon Acuff would say in his 'Start- Punch Fea...