
Label Me.

We all live in a society where we are labeled. It doesn't matter that we preach 'Do no judge' who are you to say... Seriously.
These days, no matter race, no matter your preference. We are labeled.

I read this morning about the upcoming release of  '50 shades of Grey' and whether or not if you are a Christian you shouldn't be seeing that movie. Well that was an interesting take.
I AM a Christian. And I proclaim it proudly! I did read the books. I am undecided if I'll see the movie to be completely honest with you. Why? Why is ok to read the books, and not the movie? I never said it was ok to read the books. However, you can watch the Bachelorette/Bachelor on television who's kissing EACH person they may or may not propose to that they've known for all of 5 minutes.. that's ok?
Tell me how that's different, please. #Itsthesame

Or Housewives, or Modern Family for that matter. I enjoy a good show too. It's called 'Entertainment' Is is biblical? Probably not. Is it human and completely 'normal'. #definenormal

Let us move on.
I'm not trying to go on a rampage. At all. I am simply stating a point, of NOT labeling folks for what they choose to do. You are NO ONE to judge. Before you do, check the mirror.
My favorite is when you point fingers, realize there are 3 more pointing right back at you. So let's not point.

If you must label ME.
Label me proud. Label me a Christian who attends church, who will witness to anyone willing to talk to me.
Label me a mom who tries really hard everyday to keep sanity with my 3 boys.
Label me a wife who's trying so hard to work everyday at her marriage.
Label me previously married who's getting a 2nd chance.
Most importantly, label me a sinner. Just like you.

Humans. We Label. So I helped you Label me.

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