Excuses go UP.
Excuses..... Excuses.... EXCUSES.
The only thing GOOD about having an excuse for me right now is for Lent, I gave UP excuses. I've had many a moments of prayer these past few days... and I've loved my time with Jesus for it.
I'm motivated after about 12:30pm for the most part. I am the worlds BEST motivator so I believe but when it comes to me, I can be a complete excuse person. So I'm not perfect. Who knew....
The hardest season for me, because just like the weather, we as people, have seasons too. Winter. It isn't my strong suit. Who's with me? I wrote another blog on this subject about winter weather too... check it out here ---->Successful..... Weather?
Back to today though... We drove in from Joplin. I slept awful in our hotel because every little noise Max heard he'd growl and/or a mini bark.. plus, just not being in your own bed doesn't help. I think I need a sleep number..We drove home in the snow, and arrived home with a freezing wind chill of 9. Yes folks, that my friends is a single digit. Yuuukkk.
The last thing I wanted to do today was meal prep. OR go to the gym.
I didn't go to the gym. I DID however spend about 30 minutes in my bible, and really had precious time with my Jesus. And that was the best spiritual workout I could have ever done.
I did however, meal prep. Because I have a very busy few days coming up, and I knew I couldn't get it done tomorrow, because I WILL be in the gym in the am and my husband and I have goals.
The only thing GOOD about having an excuse for me right now is for Lent, I gave UP excuses. I've had many a moments of prayer these past few days... and I've loved my time with Jesus for it.
I'm motivated after about 12:30pm for the most part. I am the worlds BEST motivator so I believe but when it comes to me, I can be a complete excuse person. So I'm not perfect. Who knew....
The hardest season for me, because just like the weather, we as people, have seasons too. Winter. It isn't my strong suit. Who's with me? I wrote another blog on this subject about winter weather too... check it out here ---->Successful..... Weather?
Back to today though... We drove in from Joplin. I slept awful in our hotel because every little noise Max heard he'd growl and/or a mini bark.. plus, just not being in your own bed doesn't help. I think I need a sleep number..We drove home in the snow, and arrived home with a freezing wind chill of 9. Yes folks, that my friends is a single digit. Yuuukkk.
The last thing I wanted to do today was meal prep. OR go to the gym.
I didn't go to the gym. I DID however spend about 30 minutes in my bible, and really had precious time with my Jesus. And that was the best spiritual workout I could have ever done.
I did however, meal prep. Because I have a very busy few days coming up, and I knew I couldn't get it done tomorrow, because I WILL be in the gym in the am and my husband and I have goals.
I'm a visual person, so I assume others should be too.
So, all week we have lunch now.
But I want to go back to the excuses.
Sometimes I get that things just come up.. and you can't be somewhere. And those aren't really 'excuses' those are legit reasons as to why you cannot be/do/whatever you please something.
Those aren't what I'm talking about. I'm speaking writing about, I made the excuse it was cold, and I'm tired not to go workout today. So I didn't just lift up a prayer, I sat and read in my Bible.
Today I read Ecclesiastes 3: 1-14. You know the topic of that passage? A time for Everything.
And it was perfect. My favorite was verse 12. And that may have been the whole purpose of reading that passage today. Because sometimes, you just know it's what you needed to hear read.
Ecclesiastes 3:12 "I know that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live."
Have a great week.
xo--- Misty
xo--- Misty