Teenagers Vs. Toddlers (No, not Zombies)

I really have so much to get done today... but I really need to journal- blog this

After a VERY frustrating morning, I was looking up help on the good ol' "www." (World Wide Web) Why doesn't anyone call it that anymore?? Okay, so I was "Googling"- better? How to deal with teenagers. No lie. I really did.

I don't have anyone to really call to ask 'Hey, how did you do this', so I'm literally wingin' this.
I came across a post that caught my attention, and made total sense. I am pretty certain it isn't going to help my situation per say... but it certainly made me nod my head in agreement on EVERY thing, and in general, made me relax a bit. So, I am calling it a win.

Toddlers and Teens- More alike than anyone realizes. (for you parents with those beautiful babies, (Katie!) one day.... this will help, or at least make you smile))
Just be reassured you will get the 'toddler stage' again. You're Welcome.

  • Most of what you do seems to center around protecting them from themselves.
  • Half of what they say is completely incoherent.
  • You wonder ALL THE DANG time just what is going on inside their heads. (this one... I only half agree... Mother of boys, for the most part, I'm pretty certain I don't want to know!)
  • But they won't be able to tell you.
  • You will have their hearing tested, completely certain in your belief that they are deaf or have suffered a devastating hearing loss from listening to their music so loud. Why do you think this? Because you will say something to them and then they will go and do the very thing that you just told them not to do.
  • You will spend nights lying awake, worrying. (only difference is that when they are toddlers you probably know exactly where they are at the moment you are worrying)
  • You will be concerned about their eating habits. (Making up for all the times they weren't eating enough as toddlers, now they eat us out of house and home)
  • They go through more changes of clothing per day than you thought was possible. (and shower 3 to 4 times a day.. for about 30 - 45 min per time...)
  • They scatter their stuff everywhere in the house (from the minute they walk in the door)
  • They don't know how to pickup after themselves and can never find that one thing that they absolutely have right at that moment. 
  • They want to do everything themselves, except for when they want you to do it.
  • They have crazy sleep habits that make no sense.
  • They do not understand the concept of going to bed early.
  • They have tantrums that at times are so irrational you will laugh.
  • They don't want to hold your hand to cross the street or in the case of the teen who want to walk a mile a head of you.
  • If you think something sounds like fun, they won't.
  • They dress themselves in outfits you think look like they were put together by a crazy drunk. (only with teenagers you sometimes hope they aren't really a crazy drunk)
  • They will never want to be friends with the kids who have parents you actually like.

I wish I could take credit for those. They are ALL true.
Let me modernize them for you for our household.

  • Sending to them to their room is fine, they have a phone, TV and xbox live. They'd rather be there anyway.. matter fact, forcing them to come out is the battle here.
  • these days you have to FORCE them to drive... because let's face it, it isn't convenient for them...when you have to get them where ever it is anyway.
  • They are DRAMATIC. Boys-- yes.I tend to wonder if they are in fact worse than girls. And I have raised a girl too- a cheerleader at that.
  • They have the WORST attitudes in the morning (don't even speak to them), or after losing a game. As in, life might as well end.
  • Everything they say is sarcastic.
  • Asking them to clean their bathroom, do their laundry and pick up their room is the same equivalent as to asking them to change the direction the Earth rotates. Maybe worse.
  • They would literally be lost without the phone in their hand. Matter fact, they are lost with it in their hand, because they can't look up to see where they are going.

The BEST part about this is, you are further a long in the journey to them growing up and moving out than when they were toddlers. Yes.
I love my boys- with most all my heart. On a good day, ALL my heart.
Right now, we just need the strength to survive these years. As they have really just begun.

Best of luck in raising your teenagers toddlers too.....

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