
Today is freezing. As matter of fact this morning's 'real feel' was 7 degrees. Single digits in weather are NOT my favorite. Amirite?!
Well, I'm sure there are some folks who love cold weather, so I guess I shouldn't say that... I however, prefer warm weather, like tropical with sand and an ocean. ..... ahhhh (You went there too huh?)
Back to reality, it's now a high of 20 something, with still a 'real feel' of 11. What the 'real feel' means, is that it's really 11 out. The wind chill in this great state is nothing to mess with, it's fierce.

What am I getting at, you are wondering at this point right? I have a point promise

Our motivation level, is about the same as the temp outside. Raise your hand if you wanted to stay in warm PJ's and snuggle with your dog all morning... do it... Raise your hands and wave them all around
Ok, no... just me? liars

The last place I wanted to go, is to work out. The thing I WANTED to do most aside from the above was order a pizza, because it's warm and I don't have to go anywhere to get it. I know I'm not the only one who wanted pizza. My friend, who shall remain anonymous is the one who gave me that thought. It's was a grand idea. But I promise you this, it didn't happen. (For either of us)
I was good. I had breakfast, did a little work, followed up with a few people I have on AdvoCare 24 Day challenges, had lunch, took my supplements. All the while I was in my PJ's, but my feet were still freezing. I know, sob story right?

I talked myself out of working out, about 10 times today, in about 9 different ways. (2 were the same) and while this is a pretty regular thing for me to do (talk myself out of it) today was special. 10 times is a lot. I really didn't want to go. But I did it anyway. Yes. I went anyway. Just like every day I try to talk myself out of it. I went. I got up, I got dressed and I went, Unleash The Beast!
You know why? Because I have a goal. And sitting on the couch eating a delicious pizza isn't going to reach my goals. It would in fact be the opposite direction.
You see, I was that person. And losing over 100 pounds, I became a new person, not just appearance either.
I grew a lot. Internally. And I really love the person I'm becoming.
I didn't start here. And I'm not where I want to be... yet. But I'm closer today, than yesterday.

Side Note: I get asked often, why do you only hang out with Advocare people? Because they are chasing the same/similar goals/dreams/lives we are. It's like minded people. And it's important to surround yourself with those types of people.

Today was freezing- I was going somewhere with this
And I went to the gym anyway. Because like your mind, you have to feed it to grow. I exercise because I want to be strong. I read because I want to be strong. I pray because I want to be strong.
The trifecta of these is impossible to break. And the stronger I become, the harder it will be to break.

Do you have goals? Do you have dreams? Are you still dreaming you are on the beach where it's warmer? Me Too
Let's go there huh?
We'll be HERE in June 2015

I help build others up, because I know what it is like to be torn down.
I help other people succeed because I know what 'average' is like.
As Jon Acuff is teaching me right now, the road to awesome is so much less traveled. Why?
Because it's harder. But the reward, is bittersweet, and few get to witness it.

I will be there. Our road to Awesome is well underway. Is yours?

Don't wait for the warm weather, do it anyway.

You can order your 24 Day Challenge ------>Here Jump start TODAY!

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