Up & Coming

I feel a fast coming on. I feel God pressing on my heart, and it's getting heavier and heavier. Almost to the feeling of pressure. Good pressure though.

Have you ever had that feeling?
I'm even trying to read, and I can't wrap into the book, and I know the book will be amazing.
Yet all I can do is stare at this cursor.

I feel that the world needs to hear our story. I feel that women need to know they aren't alone. That young pregnant teens need to know, it WILL be okay. I feel like people with addictions need to hear HOPE.

I never took a course in speaking, I didn't even go to college. But I know I have something to say, and I know it's impacting.

How do I do it? Do you know that just 2 years ago, there is NO WAY I'd see myself standing in front of 3 people, let alone 100? Or 10,000? How do I justify knowing I feel a calling to do it?
Is it because I'm a "Wow" person as Jon Acuff would say in his 'Start- Punch Fear in the face' book?

Realize I'm saying I feel that I need to be a voice, and make even MORE of an impact on people even though I'm currently scared to make the jump to Apple, from Android.
What is this about? I mean literally IN the T-mobile store, getting ready to make the switch, and I panic. Commitment issues.

It's about knowing you were born to do MORE than just pay bills and die.
You are to be MORE than medicore. You are here for a purpose.

I'm blessed EVERY single day to meet new people, and share with them my passion of AdvoCare's amazing products. And for that I get to build a relationship and reach them further.
Something I'm passionate about for sure.
And even more so, my Faith.
2 years ago, I wasn't where I am now. I was happy, and in love with my husband, yet something was not like it is now, and it isn't just maturity. It's Greater.

It's God.

I signed an electronic pad last week, to verifty my idenity. I chuckled. And the lady asked why I thought it was funny. I joked and said, you should get this on paper, my signature will be worth having some day. She smiled, and said, why's that? I said, I'm going to write a book, or speak. Or both some day soon.
I gasped, <inside of course> realizing I'd never really said that out loud to anyone other than my husband.
She then said, well good for you Misty. What kind of book?
I quickly brushed off, and said maybe self help of sorts. She just grinned and we continued on with the signing.

As I thought about that conversation the entire rest of my day, I also had a dream about it. I had a publisher tell me I was the WORST SPELLER he'd ever met. I agreed and laughed. Then recall saying, thank God for spell check then huh?
Nothing was going to be in my way. That's what editors and proof reading and spell check is for.

I have a story, and God's calling me to tell it! So what do I do now? What do I do with this? Is it a 'Wow' ... or is it really something I should put into motion like, now.

The cover of the book I'm trying to read says it best... 'You are only one decision away from a totally different life'  Just 'Start' Misty---God is calling you.

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