
Showing posts from July, 2015

Pursuing the Pull

I've been listening to one of my favorite authors on podcasts the past couple days. I'm almost finished reading his 3rd published book. The first one I read by Steven Furtick is Sun Stand Still. Changed. My. World . I am going to re-read it when I get more on my reading list accomplished. It came in my life at a time it was needed (love it when that happens) we were going through the court battle number 1. And it allowed me to forgive those who were currently attacking me. The second one I read by him is Greater > . I think I took advantage of this one, and read it so fast because I had another book lined right up. I do know it's taught me to always be Greater in all we do in life. Our God, IS Greater, and you are a child of Him alone. His third book, and what I'm currently reading has inspired 3 blog posts you've read of mine. It's so needed in this busy life we lead. Crash the Chatterbox. Hearing God's voice above all others. That alone shoul...

2 things we want. Lose weight & Eat.

I've been thin- size 5/6 thin ( never a 0... never a 2... it's called, booty and thighs, deal with it ), I've been pregnant, 3 times, 2 babies. I've been over weight where type 1 diabetes was a threat. And I've been healthy. Healthy is were I sit now. I know I've blogged this before, but I know I have over weight readers who want to reach out, and don't. Please don't hear me as bragging. Hear me as understanding. Because my inner fat girl is trapped . So I get you. I. Get. YOU! When I was 15 was my 'thin' it's not even thin really. It's teenager, where you don't realize what's cool, what's lame. ( you just think you know, you don't.. I promise, you really don't ) Well, at least, that was me. I was never cool. I was never the 'in crowd'. And while it sucked in high school, I'm really good now.  Nothing 5 years of therapy couldn't fix... When I was 16 when was pregnant. I gained SEVENTY FIVE pou...

Happiness within

This week I've been talking with a really dear friend about 'life'. And I put quotes around that because... well, because I think they are necessary. What do you do when you feel like you can't find your niche? Your calling? Your happiness....? When happiness is right in front of you but you can't see it? Not that you are blind to see it- it's just that you really don't know. From early age on, we're taught "white picked fences, 2.5 kids, stay at home mom & a dad who comes home always happy'. And then reality is actually 2.5 kids are yours, 2.5 are mine (that's giving only 2 dogs credit...with the ".5") mom and dad both have to work & neither mom or dad are just signing with the birds when they get home from a long day at work- more like singing the star bird ...- yet coming home only to know dinner needs cooked and the grass needs mowed, because even though you both work you still can't afford a yard man or pre...

The Power of 3 = S.P.P

The power of 3 during adversity. S.P.P.   This will be a chapter in my book-so here's a sneak peek.     1) Smile- Through the pain of adversity and trial.     a. (also known as number 1, this will all be 3's and 3's... disguised as letters too!) smiling leaves fewer lines on your face as you age. Simple enough.     b. Smiling leaves people wondering what you're up to.     c. Smile, because past the trial and adversity, you're still beautiful. And this too, shall pass.   2) Positivity- Again, through the storm, yes. It's easier to say type than done. But having gone through all we have you HAVE to find a way.     a. Surround yourself around positive influences.     b. Read inspirational quotes.     c. Go for a walk, clear your mind and listen to the sound of children laughing.     3) Pray.- Self Explanatory right? Not...

Everybody wants to be famous, but.....

Get ready for a LOT of awesome quotes. That's right. People post them, all the time. How many really follow their own posts thoughts though? ( say THAT 10 times fast...just kidding, don't, or do if you really want to ) And I'm not pointing fingers, I'm just as guilty. I have self pity parties. Too often. It's time to grow up and make things happen-faster. I've sat around too long and let things coast, too long. I let others hold me down, because I was upset with how they weren't doing something. Again, time to grow up. Time to take ownership! This is a photo of me- and this is my new motto. We're half way through the year of 2015. And it's never too late to 'begin again'. "Everyone wants to be famous, but no one wants to do the work." It's not mine, I've heard it many times before, and I am unsure of where it originated. But it's irrelevant at this juncture. Because it's not about be 'famous' per ...