Pursuing the Pull
I've been listening to one of my favorite authors on podcasts the past couple days. I'm almost finished reading his 3rd published book. The first one I read by Steven Furtick is Sun Stand Still. Changed. My. World . I am going to re-read it when I get more on my reading list accomplished. It came in my life at a time it was needed (love it when that happens) we were going through the court battle number 1. And it allowed me to forgive those who were currently attacking me. The second one I read by him is Greater > . I think I took advantage of this one, and read it so fast because I had another book lined right up. I do know it's taught me to always be Greater in all we do in life. Our God, IS Greater, and you are a child of Him alone. His third book, and what I'm currently reading has inspired 3 blog posts you've read of mine. It's so needed in this busy life we lead. Crash the Chatterbox. Hearing God's voice above all others. That alone shoul...