Everybody wants to be famous, but.....

Get ready for a LOT of awesome quotes.

That's right.

People post them, all the time. How many really follow their own posts thoughts though? (say THAT 10 times fast...just kidding, don't, or do if you really want to) And I'm not pointing fingers, I'm just as guilty.

I have self pity parties. Too often. It's time to grow up and make things happen-faster.
I've sat around too long and let things coast, too long. I let others hold me down, because I was upset with how they weren't doing something. Again, time to grow up. Time to take ownership!
This is a photo of me- and this is my new motto. We're half way through the year of 2015. And it's never too late to 'begin again'. "Everyone wants to be famous, but no one wants to do the work."

It's not mine, I've heard it many times before, and I am unsure of where it originated. But it's irrelevant at this juncture. Because it's not about be 'famous' per say... it's about being someone. Doing something. Leaving a legacy. Being that person others can count on. Not just saying you will do something, following through too.
Another favorite of mine, "Your actions speak louder than any words you say!"

So let's reflect shall we?
I can't even begin to tell you what AdvoCare has done for us. And before you stop reading, this isn't  sales pitch, not even close.
This is about growth and development. To which I owe it ALL to AdvoCare coming into our lives.
Could it have been a different vehicle to do that for us? Sure... but it wasn't. And by design.
I have read so more books than I ever would have otherwise. I have the avenue to be at home with my boys for the first summer ever. I have the chance to write a book I might never have done otherwise, and I say that with true conviction. Because THANKS to AdvoCare, I was taught to dream again.
When we're little, we dreamt all the time. I was going to be a famous singer, and then a writer.
It's all I wanted to do since I can remember!
However, people can (and do) break that spirit down. Those people don't even mean to. But 'reality' hits... whatever that means. I think it should be called society hits. Society says, 'Go to school, get good grades so you don't have a ton a debt for college, then get a job and work for someone for the rest of your life'. (PLEASE don't hear me wrong, you want to go to school and get good grades anyway, and if your dream is to become a doctor, or psychologist, PLEASE do it!)
Holy cow I'm depressed just by typing that! And it's what we're taught. So why do they even ask you 'What do you want to be when you grow up?' at a tender age? When 1 in 10 of those kids, will actually BE that. No, that isn't an accurate statistic...I made it up. I'm actually certain it's less than that.
I dare you to ask your kids, what their dreams are, and what they want to be when they grow up.
Will they say "I wanna sell vitamins!" Ha- probably not. And in reality, that's not what my husband and I do either.
We share HOPE.
I didn't get permission from my friend, but he posted this photo, and it really defines what we 'do' very well.
It reads "Others think we spend our time looking for sheep to drink the koolaid.
We spend our time finding leaders, grooming leaders and becoming better leaders.
And that is what makes us different." --Chad (again I didn't have his permission so I'll use first name)
Do you have hope in your future? Does your next 2 years look like today does? Maybe your today is awesome. That's great. I'm extremely excited for you!
But for most of us- the next 2 years doesn't look much different than the fear of a car being repo'd. Or the fear of how next months rent will be paid.
However "Worry is the down payment of a problem you may never have" (Crash the Chatterbox)
So instead of worrying, change it.
Change your tomorrow. Yes, it's THAT simple.
"What you tell yourself everyday will either lift you up or tear you down."
So start there! Tell yourself, everyday you WILL make a difference.
I personally have 3 1/2 x 5 index cards hanging in my bathroom and bedroom where I see them everyday. Reminding me of positive words to read to myself. That might sound silly, but those little steps you take each day will make the world of difference.
So get up, Get Dressed and do it, no matter how you feel. The only way, is to embrace it, and remember that "If nothing Changes, then nothing changes"-- Rob Simmons
xo-Misty Rayne



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