Happiness within

This week I've been talking with a really dear friend about 'life'. And I put quotes around that because... well, because I think they are necessary.

What do you do when you feel like you can't find your niche? Your calling? Your happiness....?

When happiness is right in front of you but you can't see it? Not that you are blind to see it- it's just that you really don't know.

From early age on, we're taught "white picked fences, 2.5 kids, stay at home mom & a dad who comes home always happy'.
And then reality is actually 2.5 kids are yours, 2.5 are mine (that's giving only 2 dogs credit...with the ".5") mom and dad both have to work & neither mom or dad are just signing with the birds when they get home from a long day at work- more like singing the star bird...- yet coming home only to know dinner needs cooked and the grass needs mowed, because even though you both work you still can't afford a yard man or pre-cooked delivered meals. 'Amirite' yet??

This is 7 out of 10 households. I made up my own statistic based on 10 people I personally know. So odds are, I'm pretty accurate with that count.
And very heartbreaking to know I have to be close. And you know what, some folks ARE happy with that life. I don't personally know those people, but I'm not counting it out just yet...

I'll can tell you what my happy is, and it's going to be different from the next person, but similar.

But when do you realize you really do have it all?

So back to the conversations with my friend. Do you know I have to remind myself not to be jealous of her? She gets to help others and hear them say how much they love her. She drives a car I want, and always have. She lives in a beautiful home in an area I want to be in.
But is she happy? And why not?
Why do we want what others have?
My life is 'stay at home mom' even though I work our business, and thank GOD for AdvoCare so I CAN be home. My husband works his butt off and comes home and is just wiped out from a long hard day. My kids mouth back, and don't always do what they are told... One is on probation for acts he committed with his step mother.
One of them and I hardly ever see eye to eye. And not because I'm so much shorter..
However, at the end of the day, my husband is safe. My kids love us both. They are healthy and they don't want for anything. Our grass is green--so to speak. And it even LOOKS nicer than my next door neighbor.

I get to hear from people all the time that they've changed their life. I live in a home that is nice.
My husband loves me more than life itself, and I, him. We truly have something with each other.
No, my car isn't awesome, but it gets me where I need to go. Why do I need something different?

Why aren't we (as society) happy with the things we have? With the life we have? Why do we always feel like something is missing?

I think, it's our spiritual life. We can't see past the materialistic things to remember we don't take any of this with us for our eternal life!

Side note: If you were to take a rope, a never ending length rope, and mark off about 20 inches of the never ending length rope, that 20 inches would represent the time we have ON earth. The time we're living in the body we are currently in. The rest of the length? Is our eternal life. Perspective.

You can view this illustration ----> HERE

I feel like I might be all over the board with this post, and if you are reading it that way, I apologize. This is what happens when I have so much to write, and don't put it all down first.
My whole point of this blog is to help you find your happiness.
And you don't find it in things. Sure, maybe temporarily. But you find it within yourself.
If you aren't happy even when you have the nice things, then all signs point to needing to work on yourself.

And this isn't news to my friend, she knows it. So what do you do to fix it? One step at time.
For me, it was remembering to read my devotional, and the first year I did that, I didn't make time to read the scripture underneath each time. But the times I did, I was learning where books were in the bible.
Now, I never miss looking them up, and I also know where to find most of them. I still have to look some up, but I never miss.
That helped me become who I am today. And I really like that person. Liking yourself, helps happiness. And I may not have the things- but I am happy.
Recently I've been taking time aside to meditate. Truly sit alone for at least 4 minutes and take deep breaths and try to hear God's voice. Because that's what He wants. He wants us to listen.
To not worry about what we'll eat, what we'll wear, but to hear Him.

Because friends, when you have your life centered around Him. You have everything. And that is where you will find happiness within.

I'm not an expert, nor am a I doctor.
I'm just a 2nd time married woman who has 2.5 kids, and he has 2 kids. We're happy together even through the hard times, because it's those hard times when we realize, the 4.5 kids and our marriage through Him--is enough.

Are you tired today? Unhappy? Please know you have friends who want to help you get through it.
This song, I've fallen in love with, take a minute, and hear it. Hear my heart when I say I want to help you find your happiness. God loves you, and so do I.
I'll keep on. <3

Misty Rayne


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