Tis' the season... to have Cake.

That time of the year is approaching quickly!

The birthday parties, the bridal showers, the wedding season!

Do you know what that means? This bikini body you've been working on all winter, is in danger!

So to speak.

What do you do when you are faced with that delicious red velvet cake at your best friends birthday party?? What about your favorite red wine? We all talk about the treats, but alcohol can and will sabotage that hard work, and quick too!

It's the sugar, and it's so yum!

But it's not yum for you. However, you already know this... so let move on to some helpful tips.

Almost every party I've been to (including showers of all kinds and birthday's) there is some kind of fruit tray (with dip) veggie tray (with dip) and maybe even a bowl full of nuts (no... not the people there, well, maybe them too... but I mean peanuts, almonds, cashews.. those nuts!)

Options, skip the dips... eat the fruit by itself, the veggies by itself, grab a spoon full of nuts, and munch on that. If you must have a drink, 6oz will do, to be social.
This is if this isn't your cheat day. If you want a bigger glass of wine, or more than 6 oz I'm not stopping you, but watch your food intake. It's one or the other, because if you needed to choose, wine/alcohol is way worse for trying to stay on that healthy track then even a dove chocolate bar!
Choose wisely.

Time for cake? What do you do?
Have it.

Yes, you read that right.
Have it!

Ask for a small slice, and enjoy that beautiful delicious cake with the party people.

If you are eating right all week, and working out at least 3 times a week (even walking 3 times a week) you deserve to indulge and have that slice of cake.
Because if you don't, you WILL cheat bigger and worse later... because mentally you will totally be bummed that you missed out on cake and the next thing you know you are eating ice cream right out of the carton.

Have the cake!

Be smart. You cannot deprive yourself. That's why when going through fitness/diet changes, we call it cheat meals. Not days... MEALS. Once a week you get that. So be smart and plan ahead.
If you know that birthday party, or bridal shower is coming, save that cheat meal for that week, for that occasion. It sounds simple, right.

It's not. It takes time. It takes practice. But if you want this lifestyle change, you CAN do it.

I believe in you!

Have your cake. Life is short!


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