Outgoing.... Introvert. A real thing.

Some days, I don't know how I function in life...

Other days, I get out of bed, I workout, I cook myself breakfast, I get to go to work, I talk to people all day, and not just through snap chat or facebook... and I'm like, whoa look at me go.

Reminding myself by that days end, how exhausted my mind is, and realizing it is because I literally socialized all day long.

Reverting back to the, some days, I don't know how I function in life.

Introvert- An introvert generally prefers solitary activities to interacting with large groups of people. If you would rather work through your feelings in your diary than have a conversation, then you are an introvert.

So, it probably explains why I love to write... whether I'm really great at this or not, I enjoy it. And most say they 'hear' me talk, when they read what I write. Which is even cooler, because that means I don't really need to socialize. Right?


We are designed, created rather, by God to have relationships.
So why do I feel exhausted after the days of waking up great, and feeling like I might could become an extrovert?
Because I'm socially awkward.
Because I'm scared I'm not smart enough to hold the conversation.
Because I don't know them.
Because they might actually talk to me.

You laugh, but that's who I am. You may not know this about me. I am really good at putting on my 'I'm such an outgoing person, look at me' face.
But the next time you are at a social gathering with me, watch me, you will find me looking for the dog.

A look inside my world for a second looks like this;
Two weeks out, there is a social gathering... I'm pumped. Excited to see my friends, take pictures, already thinking of a quote to caption on facebook with the photos.
One week out, hm... I wonder, if they still are doing this thing? I haven't seen a cancellation yet.
Two days out, I'm pretty sure I'm not gonna feel well by Friday.
Day of, yea, I'm not going, I need to catch up on washing my dog.

Seriously. The anxiety sets in about one week out... as it closes in on the date, I'm already figuring out how I wouldn't have to go.
Group exercise classes, What that looks like for me, it's a 15 minute pep talk before walking in.


Now, I can totally see my close friends shaking their heads right now not believing this story for one second. But friends, look at the invites you send me. Look at my track record.
You want to come over to my house, bring it! I'll buy the food.
Other than that, I'm so awesome with being home, in my joggers, a blanket, and a movie... or even a book.

I had no idea I was this way. I thought I was outgoing. And I am... I'm an outgoing, introvert.
I go out, when I need to. When I know I can't possibly bail on them for the 15th time... or, when we are hanging out on our close friends house. I can totally play it well.

I struggle every day with going out, or staying in.
But finally, I've decided that if I would just embrace who I am, everyone would be happier.

If I RSVP the day of, that means I'll be there.

I love you all! (From behind my screen... united...separately...) <laughing... but serious>


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