The fine line of balance

Finding Balance

An act of mind power. It takes a conscious effort to focus-let alone to balance our busy lives.

I've not mastered this myself, but progress is made by a daily effort.  I'm a big advocate of social media, so don't read me wrong here when I tell you to, sign off.

As amazing as our daily devotional books are, when was the last time you picked up your Bible? Better question is, when was the last time you picked up your Bible and truly read it?  We have a mobile device on us at almost all times, YouVerson Bible app is free!

Hey, I'm not pointing fingers, I live in the same fast pace world.

The good news is, there is a balance.
Because don't we have God's full attention? All the time. I was just having this conversation with a friend, and I love what he said:

How unbelievably true is that? Along that same line of thought, God deserves more than the 140 characters that your tweet allows.  It's simple to post. It's easy to make a collage. Or my favorite, to post a photo of a sunrise with a comment of  "Thank you God for this beautiful sunrise, and another day." And while I'm truthful in that post, my hope is that someone else says, oh wow, yes thank you God.

Every so often, that post is awesome, because maybe you did reach someone.  But think on this: 

Start a movement. Within yourself, and within your home, first. Sign off social media, and pick up a book. Pick up your devotional and your Bible and start with 5 minutes.Work your way up. Discipline yourself. It will take a daily choice. But the reward, watch God move.


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