Say it. Commit. Launch.

I'm a runner.

No, I'm not a runner... but I run.

So, I am a runner... but I'm new.
I've always ran as exercise. But not for fun..
Am I making any sense?

I'm training for my first half marathon. I'm even going to register this time.


Side Note:: If you know me, you know I'm all over the board, all the time. If you don't know me, you have probably already stopped reading because you think I'm a nut job.

Either way, works for me.

Back to my topic.

What I'm learning into my first week of training.

It's a complete mental process. Which is hard for me. As you read, I'm all over the board. So I go back and forth. Plus commitment is really hard for me.

I'm good with a mile run. Heck, even 3. Because my Fitbit challenges are the real deal y'all.

True story bro... Just as the regulars in our challenge.

So now, I know I'm training for something so much bigger than me. So much more than I've ever committed to before, I have to rewind and remember why I want to do this.

And this is why;

I need something to challenge me, every. single. day.

One of my biggest fears is that I cannot do it. I plan to prove myself wrong.

This is against myself, and myself alone.

I'm on week 11 of learning about my body.

I am on a journey of learning to enjoy my journey. Week 11 update: I'm loving it.

I'm tackling my annoyance of music selection.

I get to enjoy my hardcore rap with no judgment.

I have something to prove. No, not to you, to me.

I want to finally finish something hard.

I want to finally finish something I said I would.

I want to be stronger.

I've found the best workout to help your breathing technique for a runner. At least... it's working for me. Try rowing.


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