
Showing posts from 2018


I was young-er, once. I was thinner, once. I weighed less, once. I was easier going, once. Now I'm older. I'm a little heavier. And I'm a little... okay, a bit- I refuse to say a lot, high maintenance. I'm humble, even though I'm confident. I have trouble being myself sometimes. I have trouble letting go of control. I like to be in charge, and the sooner you realize that, and 'go with my flow' the better friends we can be. I mean, I'd like to tell you I'm kidding, but I'm pretty sure that's the way it is. I'm getting better at delegating and realizing other people can do what I do. However, I like to feel important. I'm a child of God, first and foremost. With that, comes extensive growth and discipline, daily. So with the statements above, I am a work in progress, everyday. I will never apologize for that. I am a wife, second. My spouse comes after God. Never forget who comes first. Your eternity depends on it. I am a mom, th...

Tired of starting over, stop giving up.

The. Struggle. Is. Real. No, really, it is.  I finally made my appearance back in the gym today- I know right? One day back and I'm inspired to write and tell you how fitness is key. Ha-ha. I'm not going to do that- but I did get encouraged. #Endorphins I told myself yesterday as I polished off the last few chocolate covered almonds, that today was the day. Just keepin' it real. I haven't been too terrible with my diet. Aside from eating chicken quesadillas at 9:45 pm last Friday night, I haven't been too extreme. Besides the chocolate covered marsh mellow addiction. Okay, so I might have been slightly out of control. Not completely though. Yes, I believe there's a difference. So, let's be real here. Raise your hand if the next day is day 1 again? Tomorrow, it'll be day 2. I refuse to start over, again. Seriously. I have got to get the steroid/junk food/couch loving/comfort food weight OFF. Here in the next year, I can't use m...

How do we embrace it? Asking for a friend.

Can we talk about getting older? Is that too cliche'? How about... can we talk about how things change as we get older? There... lets go down that rabbit hole. What better way to close out another year of age, than to finally share a blog with y'all? I literally just got my hair done, 2 weeks ago. Then, one week ago I saw how awesome I was because I had glitter in my hair once again... yeah. "glitter". I mean, com'on! Those grey's man... can I get any amens?? no.. just me. Liars. It took me almost 35 years to find out that when your skin tans, it is actually the skins way of protecting itself against the sun. Seriously. So... there is no protection around my eyes anymore. It's like my skin gave the international sign to the sun. Therefore, I have these awesome 'freckles' that stop just before the lack of sleep circles begin. (Dark circles for all you gems that don't have them) Don't worry, I have heard there is an awesome skinc...


You are just another statistic now. That's what she told me when I told her from the payphone at the gas station, on the corner of hwy 9 and hwy 102.  I was 16 and pregnant. I still feel it burn in my ear drum from my end of the cord. 'you are just another statistic now.' At that time I wasn't really sure what that meant. But I knew it wasn't kind. Even if it was true. Here we are, 17 years later. I write about my son a lot. Not to leave my other sons out, because I'm just as proud. Just when I think I couldn't be prouder of my boys, they prove me wrong. There's just something special about being a young mom, and proving others wrong, I guess. The nay sayers- you'll never make it. You won't finish high school. You won't amount to anything. He'll end up in the hood. My 'hood' boy was just awarded the iron man during his football senior year banquet. We weren't broadcasted on live television for reality TV but we ma...

Funerals are mandatory

Holy wow batman. No, seriously. I know, everyone has problems... I get that. Everyone is going through junk. Not to downgrade that, whatsoever. Here's my year, thus far. The year didn't start off terrible. We were putting money back, knowing our Vegas trip was just around the corner. (the 31st of Jan. we were leaving) One of my childhood best friends was getting married. I was so excited to get away, and be a part of her special day. If found my dress. Got it altered, and taken in 2 sizes -thank you! Everything was moving right along. So I thought. My sister in law had gotten really sick. She went into the hospital, had a procedure. Went home. All of a sudden it went south, fast. *Side note, why do we say that? "It went south..." I like the living in the south. I mean, I'm just saying.*  She ended up in a coma, and it was not looking good, like at all. Next thing we know, from Monday to Friday, she's being taken off life support, only to be go...

Mean Girls

It isn't just a movie. It's reality. And for so many girls it's our every day. Mean Girls. "You can't sit with us". "On Wednesday's we wear pink". "Is butter a carb?" Just to name a few I like to say often, joking of course. My personal favorite though.... (don't fool yourself into believing that I think this way--merely for my blog purposes.) I don't think of myself as a mean girl. I know I have some 'qualities' of being one, but when I think of who is mean, I think of girls who put down other girls. These women who are only encouraging you if you are doing something they are a fan of. These women who if you are out at the same place with a mutual friend, is the reason they would even be saying hello. Mean girls, should really be titled jealous girls. Because that's what it will boil down to. They are shaking their head no as they read this, and if you find yourself shaking your head, you are...