When you first have children they talk about the challenges of parenting. The struggles of a baby waking in the night, the toddler who doesn't want to stay in their bed, the cost of childcare-or the constant struggle of finding the right childcare. Injuries from sports... Having to take off work to pick them up from school when they don't feel well. Helping them with homework. A messy house, the never ending laundry and the smell of their rooms. Oh the smell. The cost of school supplies, clothes and lunches. You anticipate their eyes and smiles come Christmas morning, only sometimes to be let down in disappointment because you couldn't afford exactly what they asked Santa for. But their eyes- nonetheless sparkle because deep inside, you tried. Those are magical moments. You coach them in sports. Rushing to practices and ballgames, times 4. You tote them all over to let them play the dream. The game they love. No matter the expense or how exhausting it becomes. Life...