

When you first have children they talk about the challenges of parenting. The struggles of a baby waking in the night, the toddler who doesn't want to stay in their bed, the cost of childcare-or the constant struggle of finding the right childcare. Injuries from sports... Having to take off work to pick them up from school when they don't feel well. Helping them with homework. A messy house, the never ending laundry and the smell of their rooms. Oh the smell. The cost of school supplies, clothes and lunches. You anticipate their eyes and smiles come Christmas morning, only sometimes to be let down in disappointment because you couldn't afford exactly what they asked Santa for. But their eyes- nonetheless sparkle because deep inside, you tried. Those are magical moments. You coach them in sports. Rushing to practices and ballgames, times 4. You tote them all over to let them play the dream. The game they love. No matter the expense or how exhausting it becomes. Life...


Do you ever just sit there and embrace all God has given you? We ask for 'one more day' on Sunday's. We ask for 'more time with our kids' We say 'if I had more time, we'd go fishing' We say 'I'll paint that room when I get some free time' We say 'we eat in front of the TV' because we want to watch that program while we eat, double bonus. We say 'we'll go camping on a 3 day weekend' 'we'll do this or that when we have a free minute'. Bam- COVID-19. You have nothing but time. (considering you are not essential personal and at work. And in that case, please don't read this wrong. I am VERY grateful for our health care workers, our law enforcement, our postal service etc...) Anyone ever think this is all an opportunity? An opportunity to slow down? To love those we love a little better? How about the chance to sit at the kitchen table and play checkers? How about the chance to watch the rain while...

sur·ren·der (it's a verb)

It felt like someone had taken my heart out of my chest, threw it up against a wall, let it fall to the ground and then stomped on it while it was on the floor. The 2nd round felt like my heart had never really been put back where it goes, and someone played soccer with it where it fell out before. I'm not sure I can describe how much I hurt in any other way. But I can tell you now, a couple weeks later. I know I'm going to be okay. Because this isn't about me. I know as a Christian I am to love others, as I love myself. I know I am to forgive, as I have been forgiven. Those two features don't come very easy. Like, at all. I want to share all these things about how I cannot stand my ex husband, and his wife. But this isn't about them either. My youngest boy has expressed wanting to live with this father. Visiting me, and living there. This is the same guy who has a felony DUI charge because he put my two boys in the car with him and drove while under...

Plant base

Okay... Okay. Before I get into the details. Here's my disclaimer. We are not 'Vegan' we are not 'Vegetarians'. We are on a plant based 'diet' for 2 weeks. We're testing the waters. We've watched a few shows, we've read several stats, and we've done some of our own research, we've heard first hand testimonies. So, we're trying it out. Day 3 is almost complete. I haven't felt bloated. And I have slept SO well. As soon as this week hits, I will go without alcohol too. So that added in, I think is going to amp up weight loss too. I do know that alcohol sabotages my weight loss. So I will cut that out too. However, weight loss isn't the goal of trying out plant base dieting. The goal is health. I was to be healthy on the inside as well as looking healthy on the outside. I can't wait to share results as they come!

Can we talk about friends?

And trying to impress people we don't like? Dave Ramsey has this great quote: "We buy things we don't need with money we don't have to impress people we don't like." I don't necessarily do the money part, but a few things have happened in the past month that created a huge "Woah" moment for me! For years, I have wondered why certain neighbors don't ask me and my husband to hang out more. I would get upset to find out there was a gathering that we weren't invited to. Of course, when I do have the chance to talk to these people, I realize that I don't have much in common with them, or we just don't "jive." But still. For years, I have wondered why certain groups of friends gather and hang out, and I wouldn't be invited. Of course, when I did have a chance to gather and hang out, I didn't exactly enjoy myself or feel comfortable. But still. Recently, I realized someone unfriended me on Facebook. Someo...


I was young-er, once. I was thinner, once. I weighed less, once. I was easier going, once. Now I'm older. I'm a little heavier. And I'm a little... okay, a bit- I refuse to say a lot, high maintenance. I'm humble, even though I'm confident. I have trouble being myself sometimes. I have trouble letting go of control. I like to be in charge, and the sooner you realize that, and 'go with my flow' the better friends we can be. I mean, I'd like to tell you I'm kidding, but I'm pretty sure that's the way it is. I'm getting better at delegating and realizing other people can do what I do. However, I like to feel important. I'm a child of God, first and foremost. With that, comes extensive growth and discipline, daily. So with the statements above, I am a work in progress, everyday. I will never apologize for that. I am a wife, second. My spouse comes after God. Never forget who comes first. Your eternity depends on it. I am a mom, th...

Tired of starting over, stop giving up.

The. Struggle. Is. Real. No, really, it is.  I finally made my appearance back in the gym today- I know right? One day back and I'm inspired to write and tell you how fitness is key. Ha-ha. I'm not going to do that- but I did get encouraged. #Endorphins I told myself yesterday as I polished off the last few chocolate covered almonds, that today was the day. Just keepin' it real. I haven't been too terrible with my diet. Aside from eating chicken quesadillas at 9:45 pm last Friday night, I haven't been too extreme. Besides the chocolate covered marsh mellow addiction. Okay, so I might have been slightly out of control. Not completely though. Yes, I believe there's a difference. So, let's be real here. Raise your hand if the next day is day 1 again? Tomorrow, it'll be day 2. I refuse to start over, again. Seriously. I have got to get the steroid/junk food/couch loving/comfort food weight OFF. Here in the next year, I can't use m...