
Showing posts from March, 2015

This Season.

There are constant thoughts that roll through our minds throughout each day. Which ones do you listen to most? We have over 60,000 thoughts a day (on average) which breaks down to 40-48 thoughts per minute. Isn't that crazy? What would you say you think about most? Your kids? Your job? Your spouse? Your friends? Your car? Your dog? (I love my dog...) Your dreams? Jesus? Mine are pretty sporadic between those in no certain order. Only I don't look at what I am blessed to do daily as a "job".  I didn't type Jesus last on that list on purpose. As I said it's in no certain order. And right now if I was concerned what other Christians may think of that, I'd move it and no one would know. But I'm leaving it as is. Because really Jesus should be FIRST. It's the center of everything. Are you unhappy? Are you feeling unloved? Are you having a hard time getting out of bed in the mornings, and not just on Monday's? How...

Turning a New....

We are blessed everyday in life to meet people from all walks of life. Do you notice? I don't know if it's only because of AdvoCare, or if it's my closer walk with Christ, but I am more aware than I ever have been to really know that I'm meeting people daily that are just truly awesome. I like to think we have some of the best people in our lives, but of course I'm biased. In honor of a very dear friends birthday, someone I see so much strength and so much life in- This is about just one person. She's 30 now. And while changing into a new decade SOUNDS scary. Life has just begun. For me, 30 was going to be the end of the double court custody battle. For me it was a strength in our marriage, in our family unit and a faster track of what God's calling our life is. It's where I really kinda found who I was. I pray that for her, she's so much more than she knows. And she's pretty awesome. Happy Birthday Jess! 30 isn't s...

A reason, A Season- Be your CHANGE.

There's always a reason right? There is a reason we're friends. Even when we post about success and you roll your eyes. ( No one does that right? ) Even when you are excited for us in our journey. Even when a little part of you truly wonders if AdvoCare could be for you . Your opportunity begins here. Monday night we will have an event where you can decide. There is NO pressure. There is NO sales pitch. There is simply a guide to see what could be a game changer for you and your family. If it's not for you, then what is? Monday night in our home. Please send me a private message on Facebook for location and time. It's a 20 min overview of what CAN be. And let me tell you, any amount of time we've been friends, you've seen the changes in not only our lives, but those around us! Come and decide for yourself. Launching April 6th is a massive ALL IN ( take2 ) group 24 day challenge. At our home you will also hear how you too can be involve...

3 Challenges, Let's face them.

Challenges. We all face all kinds of challenges in our lives. Let's talk about 3 of them. Weight Loss (Defined as;   a reduction of the total body mass, due to a mean  loss  of fluid, body fat or adipose tissue and/or lean mass, namely bone mineral deposits, muscle, tendon, and other connective tissue.) Exercise (Defined as;   activity requiring physical effort, carried out especially to sustain or improve health and fitness.) Personal Growth and Development (Defined as ;  Personal development is also known as self-development or personal growth.  It involves the growth and enhancement of all aspects of the person, the feelings the person has about himself or herself, and their effectiveness in living.  It includes the development of positive life skills and the development of a realistic and healthy self-esteem.) So, what exactly do these 3 challenges we face have in common? They can all feed to your self esteem. And fr...

A late Spring Break

I do believe my body, and mind are on a late spring break 'Vacation'. This morning .... last night, I knew I was getting up this morning and writing. Matter fact, I knew that last week too... has it happened yet? No. Why? That writers block.... got the case of it real bad... (you have to say that like a 1930's mobster, or it just doesn't sound cool) That's a real thing though. I announced I'm writing a book... and my mind went 'What? ha.. that's what you THINK' . And I got nothing! My book may never be picked up by some awesome New York times best seller list, and I'm totally fine with that. (This was my pep talk to me this morning) and all of a sudden I might have something to say? Go figure. I have this awesome motivation at about 4pm-12am. I'm for sure a night owl person. I don't know how to have my husband understand this. Because as he should, I'm expected to be up not long after he is in the mornings. S...

"A Day with Misty"

Journey through a day with me. Sounds like sunshine and Daisy pickin' right?? ( sure it does! ) It's just SO accurate! No really. I do get asked quite often what MY day to day looks like. Not that I'm some fan favorite, however, the tremendous weight loss I've had, I get a few questions here and there. =) I used to look like this For the protection of people I do not have permission from, they are all smiles. Here is the UN-cropped photo I use has my 'Before'. And here is the photo most see.  Last night I was a guest speaker on a call, and had a few ask what I did, and what I do to 'maintain'. What's cool about that word maintain is, I LIVE every day. I eat right ( almost always ) and I exercise. "Don't workout because you hate your body, workout because you love it!" ***If you haven't seen a post about the gym, please feel free to browse my blog posts.  But let's get back to the point of ...


Jail Sail.  A  prison cell   or holding   cell   or lock-up is a small room in a   prison , or police station where a prisoner is held.   Prison cells   are usually about 6 by 8 feet in size with steel or brick walls and one solid or barred door that locks from the outside. That is how Webster Google, defines a Jail sail. However, being trapped under the negativity and insults of every day life- or as they like to call it these days, Bullying ( no, I'm not making light of bullying... it's just a lot different from when I was growing up, but that's a whole other blog post. ) So how do you break free from that? Its different for everyone, I know. How I broke free, and how I suggest others do so too, is surround yourself with better people. No, I'm not saying your current friends/surroundings are horrible people, but if you are full of negativity and deceit, and people who talk behind your back and you are always finding your...

Instant Gratification

Not all things you do are going to be awesome. Shocker... I KNOW! I write, at LEAST once a week, and I have several 'Drafts' on this blog forum to prove it. So why do they not get published? Fear? Nah... maybe because I don't think they'll be read? Maybe that one. I guess that kinda lines in with fear though. It lines right up with 'fear' of not being liked, laughed at ( because sometimes I'm funny ), or that someone may not read it. I'm pretty certain, my own husband doesn't read my blogs. But I have this HUGE dream that one day I'll publish something. Yesterday I wrote down a 100 goals I wanted to achieve within the next 10 years. Do you know how many times I wrote down I wanted to see my name in print, and be published? 18. In 17 different ways. I didn't forget I had already written it down, it's just something I want THAT bad. So, I guess with that, I'll publish on my blog, even the stuff I don't think anyone will ...