"A Day with Misty"

Journey through a day with me. Sounds like sunshine and Daisy pickin' right?? (sure it does!)

It's just SO accurate!

No really. I do get asked quite often what MY day to day looks like. Not that I'm some fan favorite, however, the tremendous weight loss I've had, I get a few questions here and there. =)
I used to look like this
For the protection of people I do not have permission from, they are all smiles.
Here is the UN-cropped photo I use has my 'Before'.

And here is the photo most see. 

Last night I was a guest speaker on a call, and had a few ask what I did, and what I do to 'maintain'.
What's cool about that word maintain is, I LIVE every day. I eat right (almost always) and I exercise. "Don't workout because you hate your body, workout because you love it!"

***If you haven't seen a post about the gym, please feel free to browse my blog posts. 

But let's get back to the point of "A Day with Misty" shall we? 
This is so much fun, because today, I started something NEW! I'm a HUGE HUGE fan of our MNS. If you've heard my story, you know that is where my journey began. I do like to keep things fresh and try out what some of my 'Advo-celebs' are doing though. So today, I have something new, this is fun to post since that has just changed up.
:Side Note: If you were asking because you want to do what I do, I recommend you send me a message on my Facebook and ask me what my 'Norm' is. Because I do new things to see and adjust to my body and how it'll work for me. Just because it works for someone else, doesn't mean it will for me. So please, stick to YOUR plan.

This was breakfast. Oh My yum-ness. What you see, is what you get here too! 2 Large egg whites (1/3 C) a whole banana, mashed up and into the egg whites. Get that all good and mashed... add in your PERFECT 1:1 Ratio of Carbs vs. protein (24 Grams of protein!!) Vanilla flavored Meal Replacement shake into the mix, stir, and pour on your hot pan- BOOM. Protein flap-jacks!

What's in my cup? I'm so glad you asked...
The Catalyst & Probiotic Ultra Restore isn't IN the cup... but it was consumed at the same time frame. 
Do you KNOW how important this probiotic is?? Ohmygosh. Keeps you regular. There is one in EVERY MNS formula AdvoCare carries, however, I still take an extra one on top of that. So this product will be an every day for me, just as Catalyst is.

So I forgot to take a photo of my snack today... but it was a Granny Smith apple. And about 2Tbs of PB. And it was so good, I ate is so fast that I didn't take a picture.
I did however get to have lunch with this pretty lady at my house today (we warm up our prepped lunches, that's how disciplined we are.)
Also giving her a new product (new to her) to try out. She's hard core in the gym, and this is what floats her boat, Jessica pushes me, and is the ONLY person that can literally make me fall to the floor after a workout and still get me back up.
For lunch (hers looks pretty similar to mine...) Chicken-seasoned. Green Beans this week and Jasmine rice (All measured)
And you see I took my important products here. (Missing from the photo is Joint Promotion, Daniel left our bottle in East Texas, so we have it separate. But it is taken daily by both Daniel and myself)

Which leads me to MY workout combo- you've seen it before, but this is "A Day with Misty". So here it is again.
Yes, altogether. In ONE shaker cup. The O2 Gold goes down 60 minutes prior to workout.

Just 2 weeks ago, I added this product.
I'm pretty excited about it. This product takes time. I've heard nothing but good things, and I'm pumped to see how much stronger I can pump within the next couple of weeks! (See what I did there...)

My afternoon snack is this-
Two scoops is a serving of a triple blend of protein. (Whey, Soy and Casein) and usually I buy the unsweetened Cashew Milk (my new favorite) however, I was desperate, this was all they had that day!

There is a lot of photos. But people do very well with visuals.
The next thing that'll be said is, I take a lot of products.
Yes. Yes I do! Which is why I needed the highest discount, which is why I'm consistent, which is why I'm HEALTHY.

Friends reading this, I tell you this, you can pay for sickness, or you can pay for health. You pick.
I will NEVER EVER again look like this. The REAL RAW before picture, is this.
The day I got to watch my kids hunt Easter eggs. The day I missed Easter with them. The day I got home from the hospital after near renal failure. The Day that I made the choice, to NEVER be unhealthy again.

The great thing in life is we have choices. Each day is a choice to be happy. A choice to be free.
A choice to talk to new people. A choice to not eat that candy bar. A choice to not take those pills.
A choice to drink water. And a choice to be healthy.

I believe, I make the right choices, finally.

Journey through "A day with Misty" ---I make NO medical claims. I am an independent distributor of AdvoCare. 
These choices above are mine, and I own the rights to them.
You choose to take the journey with me at your own will. And you have a personal coach for life, named Misty.

Order your jump start to a better future here -----> Take the Challenge Today

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