
Jail Sail. 

prison cell or holding cell or lock-up is a small room in a prison, or police station where a prisoner is held. Prison cells are usually about 6 by 8 feet in size with steel or brick walls and one solid or barred door that locks from the outside.

That is how Webster Google, defines a Jail sail.

However, being trapped under the negativity and insults of every day life- or as they like to call it these days, Bullying (no, I'm not making light of bullying... it's just a lot different from when I was growing up, but that's a whole other blog post.)

So how do you break free from that? Its different for everyone, I know.
How I broke free, and how I suggest others do so too, is surround yourself with better people.
No, I'm not saying your current friends/surroundings are horrible people, but if you are full of negativity and deceit, and people who talk behind your back and you are always finding yourself complaining, then it's time for new friends. Sorry- 
That is just one jail sail. There are several forms.

Health. It's a jail sail. I promise. Eating food is a form of depression with the types of food your eating. Educate yourself. Food is the MOST abused depressant 'pill' out there! Just read what sugar does to your body!!

It gives you a rush, messes with your mind, and always leaves you wanting more - and now researchers are calling for the government to regulate the sweet stuff like a drug.

It's from WebMD, it must be true right? That's the paragraph I found. I read a blog by Cody Bobay on Sugar read here -----> Cody Bobay it's legit. So take the time when you are finished here and read up.

So how do you break that sugar, and food in general anti-depressant? I refer all people to do a cleanse. And that can be ordered here. The Wellness line- Herbal Cleanse It's a detox. Clean your body out while putting in GOOD, CLEAN eats. It's a life style change, and it's one jail to break out of legally! 

Debt. Another big jail sail. What are you doing to become free, financially? Dave Ramsey has a GREAT program. As does the company I'm apart of, that goes hand in hand with his set up. It's the snowball effect of paying down debt. Do you need a second job? Maybe... maybe you do, Maybe it's temporary though, so you can pay off the debt and then you don't have to work a second job. 
I love offering a solution to that as well, by us sharing the products of AdvoCare, we were making part time income while we worked our full time jobs. And you can too.
But if that isn't up your alley, find a solution. Debt is a PRISON. Not just a jail. It's literally an 6 by 8 cell that you feel TRAPPED, almost suffocating. And it's awful. I've been there. Still digging out as a matter fact. But the light we see, is what I picture Heaven to be like. FREEDOM.

Poison. Well that one makes sense already off the bat right? .... Not the kind you eat though. That would be the referred above topic of 'Health'. Poison that I am referring to though, is the thoughts and process of negative people. 
Toxic people can be poison to all aspects of your life. 

Stop letting the jail sail hold you back. Break free. We live in a country where we are supposed to be FREE. So BE Free. The life we're given is shorter than that of a rope. So be who God's called you to be. Don't know what that calling is? That's ok, it took me almost 30 years to figure out where I was. And I still don't have it figured out yet. That's OK! Start somewhere. Start now.

"Sin, is like a jail sail. It's all nice and cozy inside, and then one day, the door slams shut.. and suddenly it's too late."---God's Not Dead (Movie)

Change your life.
And forever be happy.

PS- check back. I will do a Jail- Part 2 soon.

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