Turning a New....

We are blessed everyday in life to meet people from all walks of life.
Do you notice?

I don't know if it's only because of AdvoCare, or if it's my closer walk with Christ, but I am more aware than I ever have been to really know that I'm meeting people daily that are just truly awesome.
I like to think we have some of the best people in our lives, but of course I'm biased.

In honor of a very dear friends birthday, someone I see so much strength and so much life in-
This is about just one person. She's 30 now. And while changing into a new decade SOUNDS scary. Life has just begun.
For me, 30 was going to be the end of the double court custody battle. For me it was a strength in our marriage, in our family unit and a faster track of what God's calling our life is.
It's where I really kinda found who I was.

I pray that for her, she's so much more than she knows. And she's pretty awesome.

Happy Birthday Jess! 30 isn't so bad- it's life changing! 

Make this decade- the best is YET to come!!

Remember- Him first- and everything else falls in place. <3

Love you friend.
Misty Rayne-

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