Instant Gratification

Not all things you do are going to be awesome.
Shocker... I KNOW!
I write, at LEAST once a week, and I have several 'Drafts' on this blog forum to prove it.

So why do they not get published? Fear? Nah... maybe because I don't think they'll be read? Maybe that one. I guess that kinda lines in with fear though. It lines right up with 'fear' of not being liked, laughed at (because sometimes I'm funny), or that someone may not read it.

I'm pretty certain, my own husband doesn't read my blogs.
But I have this HUGE dream that one day I'll publish something.

Yesterday I wrote down a 100 goals I wanted to achieve within the next 10 years. Do you know how many times I wrote down I wanted to see my name in print, and be published? 18. In 17 different ways.
I didn't forget I had already written it down, it's just something I want THAT bad.
So, I guess with that, I'll publish on my blog, even the stuff I don't think anyone will read. I don't even know if my blog gets hits until I check back a month later.

Not that I don't care.. because isn't that what we do? Instant gratification? That's what Facebook is right? Or Instragram? If we don't have a certain amount of likes or hearts on IG within the first, um hour..? we delete it? I don't, (truth, I used to) but some do.
I notice some of my posts get more likes than others, but I have realized, it's the timing of the day.
Funny isn't it? I've just recently stopped to see traffic volume. And if you time it right, they see it. Whether or not they 'like' it... doesn't matter.
You have over 700 friends, and 24 likes.... seriously? Those other 'Friends' didn't see it? .....





Do. It. Anyway.

Who. Cares!

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