This Season.

There are constant thoughts that roll through our minds throughout each day. Which ones do you listen to most?

We have over 60,000 thoughts a day (on average) which breaks down to 40-48 thoughts per minute.
Isn't that crazy?

What would you say you think about most?
Your kids?
Your job?
Your spouse?
Your friends?
Your car?
Your dog? (I love my dog...)
Your dreams?

Mine are pretty sporadic between those in no certain order. Only I don't look at what I am blessed to do daily as a "job". 

I didn't type Jesus last on that list on purpose. As I said it's in no certain order. And right now if I was concerned what other Christians may think of that, I'd move it and no one would know. But I'm leaving it as is. Because really Jesus should be FIRST.

It's the center of everything.
Are you unhappy? Are you feeling unloved? Are you having a hard time getting out of bed in the mornings, and not just on Monday's?
How's your relationship with Jesus?

There is a really amazing new song out, and it's touched my heart every time I've heard it. And I've had different thoughts each time I've heard it. It's by Hillsong United. And the lyrics that touch me most is 'I found my life, when I laid it down.' (Find Video with Lyrics here---> Touch the Sky)

Do you know what that means? When you find your relationship with Jesus, you are FREE. Because of the Cross, you are FREE. Your guilt set FREE. You my friend reading this ARE FREE! Just like any relationship, it takes work- on YOUR part only when it comes to Jesus. Surrender yourself, and realize you are accepted. Jesus already paid price for the relationship with you. (Thank you to Pastor Matt Porter for some of these words)

I won't touch on any of those other thoughts I listed that you probably think MORE about than the one I'm pointing out. For good reason. Because if you start your day with Him, the rest should fall into place a little easier.

Are you saved? You are. Have you accepted Him?

This Easter Season Remember, it's not about the Bunny. (that friends means it's spring & will only make you fatter!)
Because He lives. YOU ARE FREE.

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