3 Challenges, Let's face them.


We all face all kinds of challenges in our lives. Let's talk about 3 of them.

  • Weight Loss (Defined as; a reduction of the total body mass, due to a mean loss of fluid, body fat or adipose tissue and/or lean mass, namely bone mineral deposits, muscle, tendon, and other connective tissue.)

  • Exercise (Defined as; activity requiring physical effort, carried out especially to sustain or improve health and fitness.)

  • Personal Growth and Development (Defined asPersonal development is also known as self-development or personal growth.  It involves the growth and enhancement of all aspects of the person, the feelings the person has about himself or herself, and their effectiveness in living.  It includes the development of positive life skills and the development of a realistic and healthy self-esteem.)

So, what exactly do these 3 challenges we face have in common?

They can all feed to your self esteem. And friends. Self Esteem can and is expensive. 

Let me back up real quick, because these days, people get really uptight when we aren't 'polictially' correct... not ALL who lose weight NEED to lose weight, and not all who exercise do it TO lose weight. Did that make sense? Probably not, because I don't care about being politically correct....

I'm talking to the people who deal with these challenges, therefore, if that is you, you need all of the above, even if it's the last 5lbs. Fact is our 10 day cleanse with AdvoCare found here Herbal Cleanse & Omega Plex can rid your body of the average 5-10lbs of impacted feces that you carry around with you daily. Yuk right? Yes. That friends IS politically correct. 
 So even the size 2 person... there IS such a thing called 'skinny fat people' I even have 'thinner' friends who say this!
I'm not pointing fingers at skinny/thin people. And I'm not calling any one fat. (So don't get crazy...) But fact is, if you get offended by any of the above comments, you probably are in need of a change, and don't want to admit it. We call that denial.
And that's a whole other blog post.

So, weight loss. You can follow my blog, and read that I've lost over a 100 lbs. I do not brag, I do not boast. I am VERY blessed, and very happy with my weight loss. I didn't know I had it to lose. Honestly. But it happened. I had fat in pockets that were created as I got fat! (Yes.. that's a thing) I'm also built lower to the ground (talk about politically correct...) so it stores differently and I carried a lot on the back side ... 
I'm FREE. That kind of weight loss, is FREEING. I just can't even explain. 

We move into exercise. I encourage ALL who take our amazing 24 day challenge to incorporate exercise. It's good for your MIND, body and soul! (I still hate Cardio...) It's needed for stress, it's needed for a better sex life. It's needed for YOU to be happy, healthy and have energy. Seriously, it can benefit you in more ways than weight loss.
And on that topic again, not all people who exercise need to lose weight. It's about being fit, and in shape. (No round isn't the shape we are shooting for) I will not speak lightly on exercise anytime I speak to someone that is ready to make a change in their lives for the better. For health, exercise is KEY!

Lastly but sooooo importantly, is personal growth and development. I cannot tell you HOW important this one is as well. A challenge we face mostly because I fear most of us don't know how important it is to do. READ. Let me guess, you don't like to read? Good, they come in audio too. You have your phone on you ALL the time, get the book and pop those headphones in your ears, and instead of music, listen to a good book!
Do you KNOW your mind needs exercise as well? You now know it's important for health, and weight. But it's so important for your MIND too. And that friends comes from the fuel we put in. 
You put in good food, you put in good nutrition and you exercise, you want to lose weight, get in shape and be healthy is why, right? We tend to leave out the mind. And that's a shame. 
It was a shame for me before I figured it out too. 

When we were first involved in AdvoCare, our leadership told us 'Leaders are Readers' I of course nodded, as in I agree. But I didn't do it. I didn't do it until our lives went in a downward spiral of life hitting us in the face, in our marriage and in our children. And I will tell you in and out, you NEED to be reading.
I'm also going to tell you, you need Jesus. Front and center.
This isn't a religious post, and it isn't meant for you to call me a Bible thumper, but by all means, if you call me that, I'd gladly take it as a compliment. I love Jesus. And He is first and foremost.
Because without Him, none of the above would have happened to me. 

Be stronger, and get healthy. Make the change, for no one else, but you! Get out and walk. It's spring, and it's beautiful! And while you walk/run/MOVE put on an audio book if you can't find time to sit and read.
By the way, I accomplish reading 15 minutes a day (outside of my devotional). I am a very busy person, and I STILL find time. 
Need book suggestions? Feel free to shoot me a message on Facebook. :)

We learned today of challenges. 
You can begin to take charge of your health today. And if you would like a personal coach, that's what I'm called to do.
Please click here to begin your 24 day challenge. Jump Start, HERE

Self-esteem, begins---NOW.

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