He always shows UP!

Have you ever asked God- maybe even begged for Him to lead you some where & maybe show you what you should be doing with/in your life?

No? Just me huh....

I know I'm not alone in that so if I reach one person through this, job well done.

Recently (this week) I sulked to my knees hidden away in a quiet place (where I really should be more often)

And I begged God as I cried tears of pity for myself because I felt like nothing was going right. Feeling so confidant in things prior, and now just feeling bogged down where life kept hitting me in the face. I begged for God to show me. "Am I not doing what I'm called to for?" He answered me.
Yes, friends and foes the Holy spirit will talk to you if you LISTEN! Slow down in your world- pause & breathe & just listen.

Yesterday (2 days after my "pity party" to God) I asked my mentor for prayer. For our business, my marriage & our struggle. Before hearing back from her, I received a call from someone I only expect to hear from if it pertains to other people. (I will be as vague as possible here) and this person wanted to talk to me.

This person isn't a Christ follower & I asked to be sure even after they arrived.
I only agreed to meet this person because well, you just can't ignore anything, especially this odd and out of the blue when you literally were just on your knees begging for God to show up!

The room was cold & I was very closed off & curious - but open hearted.
I prayed before arrival for God to give me the words to say & let it be right.

I will not disclose what was discussed because it's private. I will however tell you I prayed that I would get t be the one that leads them back to Christ.
I thanked God for the few hours I had with this person, to share His voice. I feel God chose me. I asked & I received. Since this conversation yesterday, I've spoken to two people about Jesus in depth.
Both already believers.
The conversations began because of my business & it went very well. It ended with an open heart & God teaching me more patience. Never a virtue of mine-

I'm brought here to be a world changer. And just before the conversations today, I heard an amazing song for the first time by Matthew West- "World Changer" (God intervened) Okay... I hear you.

Don't ignore what comes in your path. It took me years & a lot of growth to see this. I beg YOU to be the difference maker in your life, for your kids, for your spouse, for your community.

You're just one person - but you're just the person it takes!

View World Changer HERE

Misty Rayne


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