Where's your water?


Be grateful for the storms in your life. It reminds you just how strong you are.

That statement, is very easy to type, easy to say and THINK. But it tends to be difficult to put into motion, especially in the midst of a storm.

Daniel's grandpa says this "God will either calm your storm, or calm you through the storm".

Oh how true is that!

Searching for that strength is hard though isn't it? Where do you find your strength? Where do you find your hope?

I met with our associate pastor this morning, God bless him for hearing my ear full too.. But he read a passage to me that has made me think all day long-
In the book of Matthew- Jesus walks on water.
First there is a storm, while Jesus sleeps, and everyone else is freaking out. Jesus wakes and snaps, and the storm is gone (I'm completely modernizing this, please don't patronize me). The others in the boat see a man walking on the water, and they think it's a ghost. Jesus literally walks on water, and tells Peter to come. Peter then walks on water to Jesus. Yes, he looks down, the wind is blowing and he flips out and starts to sink.. Jesus reaches out his hand to pull Peter back up, telling him 'Oh ye of little faith- do not be afraid'---- but while his eyes were ON Jesus, his FAITH was with Jesus, he walks on water.
Do people realize this? Yes, Jesus walks on the water, he's Jesus, he's legit. But Peter, who is just like me and you, walks on the water when he put his faith in Jesus!!

I realize this isn't out of Matthew... but it FITS where I need it to.

That's huge guys. I've been thinking all day about my "water". (It's flooding outside currently too, maybe I should be walking through the puddles to find this mind blowing realization) But I haven't come up with it yet.
Maybe I won't for months. Or maybe I will tomorrow. I don't know. He does though.

So I have Faith. I know in the midst of the storms that are raging right now, the peaks are high but the valleys can be beautiful, just have faith.

Ephesians 6:4, Luke 1:37
Not All my blog posts are biblical. But I feel a strong calling on my heart, that I'm not the only one in
Need of what I need to share. If you are having crisis/storm, I beg you to reach out, and Pray you find YOUR peace, your STRENGTH.
If you need a heart to share with, I'm here for you too. 

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