David and goliath

Consistent garbage. I wanted to title the blog that... But I have noticed, I don't write much of anything that makes sense (just like that sentence) when I title them first. Maybe it's in my head, maybe it's not. Whatever works. My family has been going through turmoil, again. Hints my saying "Consistent garbage". I do not care to share the intimate details (you're welcome... or sorry) on a public forum. Because afterall if I did, there's Facebook for that! I will share that with turmoil comes the test. The true test of your Faith. Today was the 1st of 3 very important court dates, and since this one today involved my son, I'd like to announce that one of the Bible verses this morning in my devotional was Philippians 4:13. Happens to be written on the inside of his baseball cap, and is his favorite verse. I knew when I read that this morning, we were gonna be taken care of today. (as if there should have been any doubt) I realize I just ...