When I procrastinate....I write.

I recently sat down with a few of my friends whom I've chosen to interview for my book writing.

I'm pretty stoked about it, and have been carefully planning the questions I plan to ask them.

All the while, I'm coming up blank.

Each of us have a story to tell, and we should be sharing it. But there are times, and places to do it too.


Recently I met someone and granted, I ask a lot of questions, because when I meet someone, my intention is to walk away knowing more about that person than they do about me.
However, this person, I am certain she will never know anything about me.
You see, sometimes, people just need to talk. And that's okay. So don't be afraid to be that person that only listens. Maybe you were sent into their life for THAT reason, and that reason alone. To be the ear. So try not to be frustrated with not being able to share your own input.

Now, there is a completely different side to this as well. There are those people who are truly just stuck on themselves. And the only thing they EVER discuss is what they have (things) and what they are doing. We have a name for this.... (tuned into A.A.M FM= All. About. Me FM) that's a radio station. And there are a lot of people tuned in.

So what then? Me personally, I have someone very close to me who is exactly like this. I like the post on Facebook, I listen, and I just move on. I'm still just the same as I was with the person I recently met who talked only about herself.
Because you see, there really isn't a lot different about the two. One is truly genuine and really does need someone to listen. The other, they need that 'like' on facebook more than you really know.
They are hurting way down deep and really looking for acceptance.
We all are aren't we? At some point?

Quick detour:
My friend Katie and I have been sending texts and messages back and forth for the last couple weeks, before we are leaving to Cabo to spend a week together (amongst several other CHAMPIONS coming with us) and we're both just cutting up and laughing about the typical female "problem" areas. Especially after you have children. But as sure as we laugh, we both reassure each other, we were created for childbirth. And as long as our children see us trying, and bettering our health (thank you Advocare!) that's what's important. Are we insecure? Somewhat. Human nature. But she and I both know we are perfect in God's image.

Back to acceptance. That's what people need. God's acceptance. But what they don't realize is, they have it. They've had it all their lives.
Dig in to the word, discover your truth. And stop being all about you. It's all about our eternal life.
When you get to Heaven, do you think ANYONE there will care about how much you posted on Facebook or Instagram about how 'awesome' your life was/is? What we have here, is temporary.
Let's not forget the true meaning. How will you spend YOUR eternity?

Misty Rayne


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