Here's to 32

Today's has been a busy day, just finished with my son's 2 back to back ballgames. And I've had a ton on my mind today.

I love birthday's. ANY one who knows me even a little, knows this about me.
I don't get near as excited as I used to, but it's still MY day. I guess that was instilled in me so long ago, it's still with me. It's the day you came into the world! You were born for a purpose. How could you NOT be excited about that? I am still trying to convert my husband to think that way too.


Such a strong word. And meaningful.

You were born for a reason! You were born to do something impactful. Do you believe that?
You aren't born just to go to school, get a job, pay bills and die!
You were born to impact somehow!

So as I've thought all day today about my last 31 years as I roll into 32 tomorrow, what have I done thus far to make a difference?

 1983 -- My first Christmas, I was 6 months old.

I stumbled a long the way. I married way too young the first time, but have two beautiful boys from it though, and would have never been led to the man I married UP to. I have 2 bonus kids now too.

Stumbling always led to something. Only once I began my walk with Christ did I realize this though.

I had already given my life to Christ, but in Dec of 2014, I was baptized

So lets instead of where I've been, let's see where I've come!

I'm Misty Rayne, I have a compassionate heart, and I care very deeply. I try to be funny, but I end up making just myself laugh, which ends up being worth it... (if you can't laugh yourself, what fun is it!?)
I always want to know what's going on, but I'll never have a plan.
I give grace to those that are probably undeserving. But I've realized that isn't for me to decide.
I understand that the 'haters' who are waiting to see me fail don't believe I'm a different person. But I also understand they aren't on my walk, and probably need Jesus.
I have the attention span of a nat. It's amazing I can carry on a conversation. (even though I'll be distracted every 7 seconds-that's giving myself grace there)
I'm following my dreams, and sometimes I get steered off track, and God places me right back where I belong.
I worry a lot. And I have scripture written where I can see daily that I don't need to worry.
I have some of the best people in my life.
I love card nights with the Brannon's. That might actually be what I look forward to summer for most.
The 4th of July is my FAVORITE Holiday. There's something so surreal about everyone coming together with no gifts, nothing selfish, just celebration with amazing colors in the sky. I believe God enjoys the show as well.
Thanksgiving is my 2nd favorite Holiday. Once again, no pressure of gifts, just laughs, family/friends and a good game of football.
Speaking of Football, I'm the biggest fan ever. Denver Broncos since I was 5. (no, I don't need to know their record, I am a fan through and through)
I'm very picky about my hair, I've never been afraid to tell my hairstylist I don't like it. I'm very indecisive. But I'm certain I never like my hair dark, yet I've done it twice. I think I like the "shock and awe"
I drive the people at the nail salon crazy because I might change my color 15 times before settling... (they should be grateful, I ONLY used to do the French manicure, I've finally branched into colors only in the last 4 years).
I'm halfway through writing my first book.
I only learned the game of baseball this past year. I refused because it's my LEAST favorite sport, but I love watching my son play.
I lost over 100 lbs.

I went from 16/18 to a size 7/8 (some pants are 9 because I've now built my booty and muscles in my thighs.... the struggle)
I've helped 100's of people men and women both lose weight, trim inches and gain muscle.
I no longer have to work a 9-5 job. AdvoCare income replaced mine and allows me to be with my boys for the first time in their lives, this summer.
I have a very happy marriage. Truly!
Winter shoot 2015- My family.

We struggle sometimes, just like every other couple. We're learning as we go.
Daniel is 10 years older than me. And we only tease about it.
I have days I don't want to get out of bed. I force myself to the kitchen, have a spark and my vitamins, and I'm set for the rest of the day.
I have days I don't want to work out- 6 out of the 7 to be exact. I do it anyway.

This sums up a quick reflection of 31 years. And really it's within the last 8 years. There's not a real need to travel back in time, I don't live there. And the impact I'm making now, means more than ever.

Here's to 32!

"I often miss that little girl with big dreams that had no barrier. Who believed a world where anything was possible with a heart that was full and unbroken.
Then I realized she's inside, and I must let her out. And let her out I did-"

Misty Rayne


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