David and goliath

Consistent garbage.

I wanted to title the blog that... But I have noticed, I don't write much of anything that makes sense (just like that sentence) when I title them first. Maybe it's in my head, maybe it's not.

Whatever works.

My family has been going through turmoil, again. Hints my saying "Consistent garbage".

I do not care to share the intimate details (you're welcome... or sorry) on a public forum. Because afterall if I did, there's Facebook for that!

I will share that with turmoil comes the test.
The true test of your Faith. Today was the 1st of 3 very important court dates, and since this one today involved my son, I'd like to announce that one of the Bible verses this morning in my devotional was Philippians 4:13. Happens to be written on the inside of his baseball cap, and is his favorite verse.
I knew when I read that this morning, we were gonna be taken care of today. (as if there should have been any doubt)

I realize I just wrote "court dates" above up there. And if you are in our inner circle, you understand it. I'm not trying to beat around the bush, I'm just trying to be completely transparent without 'airing my dirty laundry'.

Being a parent is hard.
It's the MOST rewarding, the MOST trying, and sometimes even the most hurtful "job" there is.
Your kids are your everything-or should be.
Sometimes they mess up. But sometimes the parents mess up.
We are human, we are sinners, and we've ALL been saved.


In this time, I've sat with our boys and discussed that no matter what, I love them.
And sometimes, it's the best advice we could ever give them. It's not advice, I know. But it's better than giving them an empty promise of "It'll all be okay". Because their definition of "Okay" is different from ours.

This song has literally been my movement the past week and upcoming weeks.
The King of My Heart

I don't know what giant you are battling today. I know what we are. And I know the magnitude of what we're going through right now, the blessing on the end of it, is massive. Because God gives the toughest battles to His strongest soldiers. Even when you feel like David and goliath.
So if you too are battling a giant, when you pray, know that Philippians 4:13 says:
"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength."

Take hold of that, and proceed knowing it is true!

Misty Rayne



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