The "Christian Life"
I take Max for a walk shortly after Daniel leaves for work, and I listen to amazing worship music, which gets my soul singing. I come home I mix a spark and usually I sit on the back patio and read my devotional and read the word in my bible I bring out with me.
Now that you have a visual, that is what a perfect start to my day looks like. And it's glorious when it happens that way.
Days don't always begin like that though, some mornings I'm still asleep when he leaves, and some mornings it's feet hit the ground running because I'm already late.
Those days don't happen often though. I MAKE time for God. I make time and get up earlier and at least read the word and my devotional. It's important to begin my day that way. I know what God's promised me, and I can usually go through my day a little more productive than days when I don't get to read.
But what has stirred my heart so much today is the "Christian life".
Let me explain. Yesterday someone shared on Facebook something a long the lines of "Living the social media Christian life" or something like that... and I clicked on it and read some of it.
To sum it up, basically its a facade of a Christian life. Perfect kids, perfect husband, no complaining for the world to read... I'm pretty sure they make it sound as if their dog never poops on neighbors yards and they don't pick it up.... The "Everything looks gravy over here...." look.
Well, DUH. That's social media. I JUST wrote a facebook status a few days ago that said this;
"Don't compare your behind-the-scenes to some else's highlight reel."
What this means is don't see others, Facebook/IG/Twitter life and think it's all gravy.
Most only post the "edited" version. And there isn't anything wrong with that, unless you start comparing. So stop.
What this means is don't see others, Facebook/IG/Twitter life and think it's all gravy.
Most only post the "edited" version. And there isn't anything wrong with that, unless you start comparing. So stop.
Happy Tuesday! 😊
And folks, that is the TRUTH. You don't know what goes on behind closed doors. And that's ok! You shouldn't broadcast it for the world to read either! Some people really do want to read it, because it makes them feel better about their own trash.
But what Really bothered me was the way this article portrayed them to be 'fake' Christians.
I'm sorry who are you again?
Who are you to say that because someone doesn't air their dirty laundry, or say their water was shut off because the lack of funds in their checking account isn't a Christian??
Why because someone post positive things, and pictures of happy kids does that make them NOT a Christian??
I just read this post my friend wrote on her facebook, so I'll close this post with it, after I explain why it's a good closing statement of course..
"Many of us are so focused on living a Christian life, we've left Jesus behind".
How profound.
Stop focusing on what other people are or aren't posting, whether they are GOOD Christians or not.
You are NO ONE to decide that.
And if you are Christian, you shouldn't be writing articles like that anyway. Where's YOUR Jesus?
Misty Rayne
And folks, that is the TRUTH. You don't know what goes on behind closed doors. And that's ok! You shouldn't broadcast it for the world to read either! Some people really do want to read it, because it makes them feel better about their own trash.
But what Really bothered me was the way this article portrayed them to be 'fake' Christians.
I'm sorry who are you again?
Who are you to say that because someone doesn't air their dirty laundry, or say their water was shut off because the lack of funds in their checking account isn't a Christian??
Why because someone post positive things, and pictures of happy kids does that make them NOT a Christian??
I just read this post my friend wrote on her facebook, so I'll close this post with it, after I explain why it's a good closing statement of course..
"Many of us are so focused on living a Christian life, we've left Jesus behind".
How profound.
Stop focusing on what other people are or aren't posting, whether they are GOOD Christians or not.
You are NO ONE to decide that.
And if you are Christian, you shouldn't be writing articles like that anyway. Where's YOUR Jesus?
Misty Rayne
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