A blog post- about another Blog post.

I love reading other peoples blogs.

When I read on recipes, or ideas, workouts etc... I always hope recognition is given where it's due.

Please keep that in mind.

Speaking of exactly that! I sure wish I had the thought first... but I didn't. Cody Bobay did though!

Please check out the following-
This blog post is written by Cody, however was released on his wife Hayleys'  'Fit Beyond the Scale' blog site.

12 Tips Every Woman should.....

Check it out, and follow it!

I will say this. One of my best friends and I were talking over lunch Friday (as I read this blog aloud to her) and she kept saying "AMEN" and as funny as it is, the 12 tips, are totally TRUE.
Jess does personal training and sees' a lot of this herself.

One last thing, while workout attire can be trendy and cute, it's not a fashion show.

Show up, Work out, and go home and shower.

--Misty Rayne

Jump start your health with an awesome 24 day challenge!! Here ---> www.asurewaytogetfit.com

**Cody and Hayley Bobay have NO relation or connection to AdvoCare or myself whatsoever.
Merely I love following them for fitness/Health motivation and their heart-love for Jesus. 

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