Shake it Off

Half way through writing my first (maybe only... and maybe never published) book I realized a few things.

I LOVE writing. It's a release for me, even if no one ever reads it.

I've overcome a lot.

I'm probably not near as funny as I think I am. (But I'm not sure I care)

I'm scared.

So, fear has struck half way through. Because... I have haters. Do you have haters?

Yea, I have a past, and that past is still very present because I share two amazing boys with someone who isn't my husband anymore.
I know the haters out there wait for me to fail. And really, that's ok. That's where I have to be with it.
It's ok that they may think that (maybe they don't... but probably they do). If it wasn't that fear, it'd be something else. So pick the poison.
Speaking of that very thing. Seems to be a lot of it lately going on. Trying to seep into my mind.

Do you have these battles with yourself? Not wanting to finish and go through with something because of what the people you know aren't fans of yours will think? Do you battle the inner voices?

I battle them 6 different ways upside down before ever making it out of bed some days. So I tend to believe we all have these voices.

Fear. It's only real when you allow it to be.

Back to my 2nd point up there.... I've overcome a lot. I'm not the same person I once was. Some people don't know that because they aren't a part of my daily life anymore.
But you have a close call with your health, and YOU TOO would change (I hope) We call that a 2nd chance.

So for anyone reading this blog who keeps up with my life because you are just a nosey person... hear me when I say (write) YOU DO NOT KNOW THE PERSON I AM TODAY.
Jesus does, and He's the only one I need to measure up to.

Misty Rayne

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