"It's All Heart"

Giving credit where credit is most certainly due, our awesome Pastor this morning Paul Cunningham preached on what I knew I couldn't miss which was, the first sermon of a series. 'The Blessed Life'.

Before you stop reading this blog because it's "Biblical based" hear me out! (this fact is true... ALL my blogs except the ones on faith or God himself have more reads than those that are.-sad.)

This is based all on your heart. I will make references. So if you are not a Christian, you should still read this. Because it holds true.

Everything we do starts from within.
Isn't that fact?

You have to make the choice to change- True.
In your heart, you love someone- True.

So how's your heart today?

Is your heart full of hate? OR
Is your heart full of love?

Did you ever hear in all your years (no age discrimination) "Happiness comes from within" ?
Stay with me here....
I was just talking to an old friend yesterday, and she wants to change, her negative thoughts and actions... and I simply said- Then do it.

It's a choice.
Happiness. Is. A. CHOICE.- True.
I choose happy.

Today I choose and I hope you take this with me- to Love people.
As Christians we are the MOST accused of judging other people. Isn't that the complete opposite of what Christians should be? The answer is yes. Really we are taught to love people- no matter what.

"Abundant living comes from abundant giving in EVERY area of life." --Paul Cunningham.

Want to be accepted? Accept others.
Want to be loved? Love others.
(Now, will they always accept you back? No. Will they always love you back? Probably not. What then? Get rid of the toxic people in your life. They your best friend? Nope, no they aren't.)

Whatever you want in life- Give it first. You will reap what you sow!

The tree you plant- from the seed, it takes time to grow. It also takes water to grow.
Water your soul.
Plant the kindness, and continue to water it. And it WILL grow.

You can make the choice to change, but sometimes, it takes time for others to see it. Because you were someone that wasn't nice, or wasn't loving others for so long. They are skeptics. WE as humans are wired that way. And that isn't okay, but it's the way it works.

The tree growth takes time. Change takes time. But the choice- can be made today.

Plant the seed, and see happiness come from within your heart.

So again I ask, how's your heart today?

Misty Rayne

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