It's all about the Journey- Anniversary Edition.

Anniversaries are always important. Whether they are for weddings, funerals, recovery or whatever fits for your definition of anniversary.

This day, April 9th, is MY anniversary for changing my LIFE. (I'm posting this blog a few days early in honor of starting our 8th 24 Day Challenge)

This was me-prior to AdvoCare-

Our 2nd wedding Anniversary. The color black hid a lot for me folks.... This was Feb. 27th 2012.

Then this is the photo that if you've read my prior blog, you've seen.---
I'm usually smiling. But there wasn't a lot to smile about here. I was sick. (Please see my blog about my story- Here ----> Thank God, & AdvoCare)

So some of these photos, you will see if you leave this blog post and skip back to one of my first few entries. But my point of THIS one isn't to re-tell that story. Please read it, share it, and change YOUR life too.
The point of this blog is to show you progress. 3 years this April 9th, I've been on AdvoCare products. I've changed my diet. And I've become a person who smiles because not only does she truly know Jesus loves her, but so do many others! Losing weight is freeing. Beyond a shadow of a doubt it IS! You know what I've learned on this journey though? Relationships. I also wrote a blog about that! You know what else I learned? You can always begin. But I wrote that too....

So what's THIS blog about Misty... the suspense is killing me-- you say?

This blog is about becoming MORE.
What's your purpose in your life? What are YOU called to do? It might not be AdvoCare. But maybe, just maybe it is!
Have you thought that far ahead?
I'm not in the convincing business (let's get that clear) I know what we have is gold! But do you?
The business of AdvoCare has brought me home from a job I strongly disliked. The job was a HUGE blessing, please don't hear me wrong in that. What I disliked was, I was NOT created to sit behind a desk and push papers. MOST of us aren't!

I was meant to be out in community with PEOPLE. I'm called to help others. I'm called to tell my story. I have several of them! I also feel called to talk to teenage girls about pregnancy (I know...)
I am called to be a voice! To build friendships- to be someones friend.
I share all that because if you are happy in your job, PLEASE stay at it! You are blessed.

But AdvoCare pays mine, and can yours too! The month of March AdvoCare paid the following:

  • House
  • Water
  • Electric
  • T-mobile
  • Car
  • Insurance
  • Attorney payment
  • Gas for both cars
  • Groceries
I'm telling y'all. That's what you work for isn't? Trading hours for dollars?
I get relationships for dollars. Do you know what the true reward in that is? RELATIONSHIPS!
Please know my heart, I share non of this to boast or brag. I just want others to know this freedom! 
I help my new friends, and some older friends earn an extra $100-$500 for that car payment, and in turn, keep my electric on.
The most joyous part of this is helping that family receive their first check with AdvoCare. 

3 years ago when I found the box of Vitamins in my drawer at work- I had NO idea what life would be like today. If you told me 3 years ago the day I chose to change my life, I'd be "selling vitamins" and able to work from home, I'd tell you, you are crazy!

But then again when I found that box, I was working in corporate America and would be fired 7 months later.
5 months after I found that box, and changed my life, we'd be taken to court and beginning a double court custody battle.
I'd also find a job that I'd meet people at that would be forever friends, and some joined our AdvoCare journey.

Point is, God always has a plan. What do you think your life looks like 6 months from now?

4 months after starting product, my life looked so different. I felt so much better!
I had NO IDEA 4 months later we'd find out about a business with the products that helped me lose over 50 lbs! I created this collage not knowing it would go viral and I'd 'hit the map' of transformations. Which was only the start.
March 2012-End of July 2012

Even when I made that collage, I didn't know. But my friend I had started getting products from did. And she sent it to her cousin, who ended up coming to Shawnee, and we met for the first time.
Will and Brandy Rupert would be some of our very best friends- who knew?
Who knew that in December of 2014 Will would baptize me?

I could go on and on and on about the friendships, and the relationships we have been SO fortunate to create and keep and work with and help!
Because that is truly the real reward of this company. 
I would love to share the happiness with you reading this!
I'd love to share the smile of THIS face

Because of the logo- that transformation took place. This is nearly 2 year old photo now. I have done so much of my journey within my first 2 years. Consistency is key!
I love sharing my teams photos with others, because I said YES and didn't even know what I said YES to- I GET to change others lives. I GET to build new friendships. I GET to be home from a job I disliked. I GET to have time freedom!

What do you WANT out of this life? It's a SHORT life y'all. What are you doing to impact it?
What are you doing to be healthy? What are you DOING WITH YOUR LIFE?
It's more than vitamins. It's a full out legacy we're leaving for our boys, and their families!

Daniel and I will both be able to work from home and do AdvoCare by the end of the year of 2015. We are on a mission to help as many families that will allow us to. 

Do you want to be one of the families? I dare you to lock arms with us, and allow us to help you!

3 years LATER. Commitment.
It's not only helped me FEEL great. It's allowed me to come home and do AdvoCare full time.
This opportunity is for YOU too.
If not AdvoCare, then 

Independent AdvoCare distributor
Daniel & Misty Scott.

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