My favorites this fall 2015

My blogs aren't typically to push products, to talk anyone into anything... I write because I enjoy it, because it soothes me. To know if I reach one, I'm fulfilling my purpose.

However, with the new season upon us, the beautiful rain we had this morning... I thought I'd post a few favorite things as my nails dry.

I'm a huge fan of summer time. I love the sunshine, I love the pool, the ocean and fireflies.

The older I get, the more I really love fall too. I enjoy spring too, even though we get tornado's here, but this blog is about fall.
I think I'll do a "favorite" blog each season. Because even though the weather isn't my favorite (I do NOT like to be cold) winter still has some perks. After all, we celebrate Jesus in winter!

First thing is first, I made this for our wall in our home. I really love the way it turned out. And the cost was less than $8. I already owned the frame, so if you need that, go to the dollar store, and get spray paint, it'll still be less than $15.

I'm excited because Saturday I'm hosting a 'Craft day" in my home with friends, and I'm finally updating my canvas' on the wall!

I love the decor that is for fall too, I love Christmas decor more, but again this post is about fall. (you should know the winter addition will be equally as awesome)

My pumpkin I bought at Marshall's years ago along with the runner for the table.

The candles, one is from bath and body, one is from the french quarter in New Orleans ( Thanks to my good friend Ginger)

Which leads me into my new favorite smell from bath and body works!
It smells AMAZING!

My products I'm all about right now.
So let me break this down. Grape spark you say?? Yes. Where's this been all my life? I don't know if turning 32 changed my taste buds, but it's in my top 3 fave now! As for the Rehydrate, I mix that amazing peach flavor with the BioCharge together. My goodness Amino acids amazing! And to help the extra push while jogging, yes please! (Please inquire for further Q&A)

I know this sounds minimal, but sometimes what you drink out of, can set your whole day up... a lot of my friends have awesome mugs that read 'I drink coffee and then I do stuff' Or 'I woke up like this, or maybe it's the coffee' I prefer to slash the coffee word out and replace it with Spark. I'm not dissing coffee, I love coffee, yea, betcha didn't know that about me huh? And I have it from time to time. Didn't know that either? But just like people need to Whip, I have to Nae Nae... I love my spark in the morning. I love it warm, and I love it ice cold. And life just seems better when things come in the form of a mason jar.

My amazing friend Brandi got me this awhile back, and it just makes me happy. 

This next one doesn't have much to do with fall, however, I found the best eyeliner there ever was, and I've been a Mary Kay girl for like, ever. So this was big for me.
It came in my August Ipsy bag, and it took me awhile to use it, just because if you ever meet me you'll understand I don't like things near my eyes. It took me 10 years to be able to wear contact lenses. So mascara, I'm good with. Eye liner on the bottom, good with. Eyeliner on the top, that's a sight you might pay to see!

It's fabulous y'all. Fabulous.

I love cooler weather for the reason of a light jacket. I love being able to have pale skin and no one knows because you have a jacket or sweater on. (When I was a bigger girl, it was because of the layers) But now I actually get to have a jacket because it can be a fashion statement. I can't wait to put my AdvoCare logo on it. It's micro fleece on the inside, so it's super cozy and it has the thumb holes. I never knew I could be so excited about a jacket. 

My colors and all. 

Fall means darker for everything (except your skin. Ha!)
Hair is darker, nail color is darker. Clothes are darker color choices. I'm just not sure I'm okay with dark wash jeans... can't bring everything back from the 70's guys.

I love everything Essie. It's my #1 go to. And I'm such a creature of habit when it comes to things I like that work, so it took me a really long time to branch out and try a new brand of polish. I've been an OPI girl for a really long time. This color of Essie is my total favorite. (Devils Advocate) And I just painted my nails today. It's the little things..

My husband is amazing. Period. The end. For real. He worked Saturday, came home and planted our flower bed. We've been here two years this October, already. And we only had the liner to trim the bed out... the Elephant ears in the corner he planted a year ago. We're not slackers, it's just not been a priority. Or... maybe it's a little of both. Either way, he planted and placed the rocks as well as laid the mulch. Our grass always looks awesome, and now the front of the house has some curb appeal. 

The flag pallet I made over the summer is getting moved in. We're patriotic all year round, I'm just making one with the pumpkin theme. Fall y'all. 

Yoga is my favorite. I used to do yoga regularly. And got out of it because I just couldn't find the time. But that's just silly. Stretching has always been painful/stressful for me. So getting back into yoga now, my new focus has at ease and relaxed with where ever I am. My focus is also stress relieving and flexibility. And I have already seen a difference.
I took a photo with 2 highly important products that I introduce in the fall season. Because fall means people have allergies that flare up, as well as cold/flu season. So I guard my body quickly!

I thought this photo turned out awesome, and I loved the caption I found to put on it. Because it's absolutely true. "Create your own joy". 

Last but not least. I never really understood that saying, it makes me sad to say, so, this is just last now...
My work space. It doesn't have much to do with fall other than the fact that it's the fall season and I have the perfect view of the backyard. Also the freezing a/c on in our home doesn't blow directly in this spot where I can write, read etc.. I just thought I'd share how simple I am each day.

So much was accomplished at home today. Our weekends have been slammed lately so I haven't been able to get a lot of house work done. Now I'm ready to host a mixer and the events this coming weekend!

As always, thank you for reading!

Misty Rayne


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