You. Are. Wasting. Your. Money

There is some good ole fashion down home truth coming your way in this blog. And I'm not even certain that sentence made sense.

I'm not here to sell you something. I'm here to help you.
I'm not here to tell you what to do, I'm here to guide you.

I probably take it too personal when I see post after post of drinking, and partying.
The only reason I take interest is because just a week prior you sought help with getting healthy.

You. Are. Wasting. Your. Money!!

That isn't coming from someone just out for your money, if you didn't already believe me, you should now.

It's heart breaking to see the thousands of dollars being spent on the gym memberships, the bootcamps, the meal prep company that ships your food. The products you buy in hopes of losing just that last 10lbs.
Which is ABSOLUTLY doable.
Which is what my passion is! I have the heart to help you!

But you have to help yourself ladies and gents.

I see check in at the park to get that cardio in, and I smile. So awesome! I see the follow up of the gym that evening after your long hard day at work.
Only to follow it up at the amazing Alfredo's. I like Mexican food too y'all! but this is NOT okay 3x's a week.

It's about moderation.

If you are in the gym daily but drink beer when you arrive home,

You. Are. Wasting. Your. Monday!!

You literally should just throw the amount you pay for your monthly membership, out of your car window. That's the just of what you just did to your workout.

You take time away from your family... You go hard in the gym. You spent some good money on that pre-workout. Only to blow it on a chimichanga with a lime wedged glass filled with Tecate.

I'm not hating on the food. I'm not hating on the beer. I'm not even hating on your pre-workout.

I'm dissing on how hard you want to be healthy but don't stay consistent. If that's way you want to live, then that's totally cool. But you can't go blast someone that they didn't help you or their products didn't work. <no that didn't happen to me, it's a blanket statement because there are several folks out there living this way.> you can't complain that the program didn't work, when you didn't work for the program. Period. The end.

Y'all it's time to wake up. Be better for YOU. Be better for your children, and your spouse. Be better for Jesus. It's time you step up and really focus on being healthy. Cheat meals are approved y'all. So have some flippin' self control!

If you don't do it for anything else than your pocket book, do it. Stop wasting your money.

Misty Rayne


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