
Showing posts from 2014


There comes a time when enough is enough. You've had all the junk you can eat, and you FEEL like you've had enough too. Which I understand for some, maybe you aren't like that, and seriously feel like you could continue this charade. Let's be honest though okay... you can't, and you shouldn't #Amirite  We don't start our next 24 day challenge until January 7th. While that isn't far away, at all. It's still a week away. And I'm ready #putaforkinme and while that hashtag might be funny, it's true in two ways, #enoughisenough So how do you get back on point? Simple, START . So it began. Monday Dec 29th, I began- again. Really I wasn't AS strict with my diet since about Aug. #morelikeJune but we'll go with that. It starts with your water intake. GET that 100 ounces in y'all. Body weight divided by 2 is suggested. And when you're starting out, yes. But 100 oz. will change your whole world.  My life in the past ...

Live. Life. On. Purpose.

Today has been a really great day. And nothing really 'extrodinary' has happened. I woke up, thanked God, spent time with Jesus, my husband left for work, my son left for school... I ate oatmeal for breakfast. I gave Max a bath, did the dishes from last nights dinner I made. My hair appt was at noon. I got home a little after 3pm from that- of course that always makes me feel like a new person. Kaylee Mosley is amazing, go see her! So as I sit here and called a couple people I have on 24 day challenges, and made my list for tomorrow, I figured out why it's been a really great day- aside from my hair being fresh and fall-ish colored.. I am BLESSED. I am alive. I am HEALTHY. I am in pretty good shape. I'm apart of the BEST company around the world- more than just vitamins y'all.... My kids are healthy, happy and LOVED. I have a fabulous husband who loves me more than life itself. I have amazing friends that truly care about me. Then, as I t...

Technology at it's Finest, 13 years in the making..

It's astonishing to me as to how much technology advances daily. Do you realize that the Ipod was released only in 2001? 13 years ago YESTERDAY to be exact. Yes, October 23rd 2001. That's the original bulky Ipod y'all... Looks like this Raise your hand if you had one?? I didn't. Matter fact, it was 2001 when I had my first cell phone, and I shared it with my then husband. It looks like this... True story. My how we've advanced. This photo below, displays life BEFORE an Ipod, BEFORE CD's were big... BEFORE a cell phone was anywhere near affordable for your everyday person.. Matter fact, check out the antenna. Circa 1998 here folks... my 15 year old self. So the point I'm going for here, is we're so advanced, we can't even leave the house without the latest and greatest cellar device... I myself own the latest released Samsung Galaxy S5. And it's amazing.. . And that's not even apple. The late Steve Jobs did an awesom...

Take 2.......Social Media

The day of 'No Facebook Wednesday' or as I'm saying it (it'll probably catch on quick... NFBW) Use it, it's free---- You're welcome   has officially passed. I survived. Did you? Screen shot of this morning- still no facebook app on my home screen. I must say, I got SO much done yesterday. Maybe to take my mind off the fact that my addiction was put in the back pocket. It was defiantly will power. I talked to my friends who joined me, and encouraged them to keep pushing! I found that the hardest part of my day was ( laugh.. go ahead ) the bathroom, and at red lights. True story. It for sure made it easier that I wasn't seeing the big F every time I swpyed to look at at my phone... Other wise I'd see this count go up- this is as of this morning. It's almost 9 and I've still gone without . As I said, a very productive day. I believe I will do this again, and hopefully get to where I don't have to feel the need to go on face...

Social Media

I wrote in my journal all weekend while in Tyler, Texas. My husband's stompin' grounds from birth until 20 somethings. I was pretty proud of myself. I even picked up the Jon Acuff book I have been dying to read.  Then as I wrote, and as I tried to read, and talk to the nurses about what I do for a living... my phone would stare at me in the face, as it's doing at this very moment. You see I had something awesome to write about, or at least I thought so.. .  But then that little smart phone device would call my name and the F on the home screen that stands for 'FACEBOOK' or as I like to call it 'FRANKLY I will suck all your time away from you' app. How do we discharge ourselves from social media? Where is the break? I don't know why I feel the need to check it when I see even '1' notification on it.  Now back it up real quick, I'm not dissing on Facebook, or social media at all. It's been a really great marketing tool for us ...

"Patience, persistence & perspiration make an UNBEATABLE combination for success" -Napoleon Hill

Aspire to inspire. I knew this was my title from the minute I saw the cursor on my screen. However, I had something else completely different typed until last night’s conversation with my husband Daniel. Daniel is an amazing man, a God fearing man, true to his word, he’s 100% faithful to his children, his friends and his wife. This was the February before we found AdvoCare. Our 2 year wedding anniversary. With that being said, let me explain why my Inspire blog post has changed from only 3 men who’ve ever inspired me, to only writing about one. When we began AdvoCare, it was because the products saved my life. That’s a big deal. Like, a really big deal! For one I was on products a good 4 months before ever becoming a distributor let alone becoming active in building a business. The above statement is real, and it’s real because I remember my husband shaking his head thinking I was ‘trying some new fruit of the forest’ product. However, he was grateful it wasn’...

The double D's...

Daily Duties.  What did you think I meant by double D's? It's where our minds goes, instantly. Just like 'dieting'. I hate that word... 'DIETING'. It's used so lightly anymore. It isn't fair, because whether you are on a McDonald's diet, or a clean eating diet, we are always on a 'diet'. Makes me think of this picture.... Necessary to say it like this? maybe not... does it get your attention? Absolutely ! So lets go back shall we? Double D's... Daily Duties. Your first Daily duty should be time with Jesus. My time with Jesus, is quiet and in the early morning where no one is around yelling 'mom' or 'hey, it's time to go'. It's just us. And I start my day this way, every day . I mean, doesn't He deserve 15-20 minutes if not more of your time? Other than the quick 'prayer' of 'Jesus!' as you yell at the driver in front of you on the way to work, that may be all the time in your ...

Thank God, & AdvoCare

On April 6th 2012 I went home from work a little early because I wasn’t feeling well. As a matter of fact, I was REALLY sick. I was very weak, I hadn’t been sleeping well, and I was very nauseous. It was awful. I didn’t feel like I had a cold, or the flu, or a stomach virus. I just didn’t feel well. I went home to get some rest… or try to. My husband came home later that evening. I was throwing up violently, and I had been for several hours. I don’t have a clear memory of what happened between going home from work and getting to the hospital but finally after pumping lots of fluids into my body because they couldn’t find a thing wrong except that I was running a pretty high fever, I started coming around. After two bags of IV fluids, the doctor came in and asked me to give a urine sample. The problem was though that I still wasn’t able to. Finally, after the 3 rd and ½  bag of IV fluids, I was able to produce enough to give a sample. Being kept overnight, I had a SEVER...